That Really is Neat-O

ok here is the deal with my page it sucks but it's not even 
close to done yet in fact its not even close to started.
  i really don't know what i'm going to put here yet but it
will be cool.  
last updated 12/19/97

people have wasted their time here

my links so far

hummer's Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy page
my clerks, mallrats, and chasing amy page
hummer's Smashing Pumpkins links
my smashing pumpkins link page
hummer's animated GIFS
my animated gifs page
Epiphone LP Special II
a picture of my electric guitar
Yamaha F-310
a picture of my acustic guitar
beefcake, BEEFCAKE!!!
awsome south park sound
A Picture of Me and my budds
jon (left) joe (middle) me! (right)


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