The siberian husky belongs to the family of artic sled dogs which also includes the, Eskimo, Alaskan Malamute,and Samoyed.He is smaller and more refined in build than either the Alaskan or the Eskimo, and it is probable that, pound for pound, he he is the toughest draft dog that live today.
The Siberian Husky is alert, gracefully built, medium-sized dog, quick and light on his feet, and free and gracefull in action.
He has a strong, moderately compact body; a deep, strong chest; well-muscled sholders and hind quarters; and straight, srong legs with medium bone.
His coat is dense and very soft, and his brush tail is carried curved over his back when at attention, and trailing when in repose.
His head presents a finely chiseled and often fox like appearance, and his eyes have a keen and friendly expression.
His characteristic gait is free, tireless, and almost effortless when free or on a leash; but showing great power and strength when pulling; the tro is brisk and smooth, and quite fast.
Bitches are smaller than dogs, averaging up to inches shorter and ten pounds less in weight.
Siberians range in build from moderately compact(but never "cobby") to moderately rangy; in all builds the bone mest be medium, the back powerful (never slack from excessive length), and the shoulder
height never exceeding 23 1/2 inches.
(Any Ranginess is merely a matter of proportion, not of actual size.)
Dogs; from 21 to 231/2 inches at the shoulder; bitches, from 20 to 22 inches.
Dogs, from 45 to 60 pounds; bitches, from 35 to 50 pounds.