What is The Walk? | Getting Started | Message Board | Other Information

What Is The Walk?


Our Mission and Goals

Our mission is to guide teens (both Christians and non-Christians) toward the Bible. In a world where people say there is no truth we believe that there is truth and that truth is found in the Bible. We believe Bible study is a vital part of the Christian walk. But even though we strongly believe in the Bible, we do not mean to neglect other areas of the Christian life. Throughout history Christians have emphasized certain parts of the Christian walk and have failed to emphasize others. We want to make it very clear that there are other parts of the Christian life besides Bible study. Some of these are: prayer, encouragement from other believers, hard times, persecution, service, and many others. These are ALL very important. So, even though this web site is only for Bible study, we do believe that there are other important areas of Christian growth. If you have a suggestion about another site, please email us thewalk@ericbradley.com, or erdman31@yahoo.com

Here are a few things we want you to know about our web site:

We want to provide the basic tools to help teens start and continue a successful Bible study. It is important to study the Bible, but it is also important to study it the right way. The Getting Started section gives a few basic Bible study principles. 

We want to encourage teens in their Bible study. In the future Why Study the Bible? will list a few reasons why Bible study is so important for the Believer. 

We want to encourage non-Christians teens to consider study and search for truth in the Bible. In the future Why Study the Bible? will list a few reasons why the non-Christian should research the Bible. 

We want to provide links to other web sites that may be helpful to teens in their Christian walk. 

We want to put all of our words in easy to understand language. We avoid technical terms. There is nothing wrong with technical words, in fact, they are very helpful. However, we want all teens to be able to understand and use our site. 

Lastly, we want your input! If you have any encouragement, ideas, or criticisms,  we want you to email us. We may not use all of your suggestions, but we are excited to hear from you. 

How To Use The Message Board

The Message Board allows us to interact and share our ideas and thoughts about Bible passages. Here is how it works: Every two weeks we will post a new passage. Teens can then post their thoughts and ideas about a passage. Every time you post a message it will be included on the Message Board. Other teens can then read your messages and learn.

For example:  We may post John 3:1-21. Steve may read the passage and then post his message saying that he has been encouraged to see that God loved the world enough to send His Son. Another person, let's call her Beth, may read the passage and post her message saying that she believes this passage teaches that baptism is necessary for salvation. Then, Erin, who also studies the passages, writes in to explain why she believes that this passage does not teach baptism is necessary for salvation. Brian might write in to say that he was surprised that Nichodemus could not understand Jesus' teaching. And on and on...Teens can write in to share their thoughts. 

We are very excited about the possibility of Believers all over the world sharing,
 encouraging, and challenging each other with God’s Word. However, we need to set a few rules so that everyone can benefit from the site. 

1. Be respectful 

Many of us will disagree with other people’s opinions and thoughts, but disagreement is not always bad. Sometimes we are wrong about things and we need someone to tell us. However, we need to be respectful and polite when disagreeing with one another. When you disagree with someone, try to stick with the facts. It is usually best to avoid writing when you are angry. It is also usually best to avoid words like, “stupid,” “jerk,” “dumb,” etc. 

2. Teens only 

This web site is primarily for teens and we would rather have only teens responding on the message board. Obviously it is nearly impossible for us to tell if you are in high school or junior high, so we must leave the discernment up to each person. From time to time we will have pastors and Bible professors write in with their thoughts. If you are not in junior high and high school, and would like to contribute, then we would appreciate you writing us an email. Also, if you are interested in starting a site for other groups/ages, then please write us with your thoughts. 

3. No advertising 

Please do not use the Message Board to try to promote your web site. We consider it extremely disrespectful to use our site to get more hits for your web address. We leave this issue to your integrity. But we do encourage you to write us if you believe that your site is helpful for furthering the kingdom of Christ. In fact, we welcome all suggestions! Please realize that we will use strict judgment in looking at each site. 

4. Proof read your message 

Take the time to read your message before you send it in. It may be that your message does not make as much sense as you had thought. WE WANT EVERYONE TO UNDERSTAND YOU. So, take time to make sure your message is readable. 




©1999-2002 Eric Bradley and Jon Erdman.
An Eric Bradley/Jon Erdman Enterprise