From: (Doug Cotton)
Subject: Re: JiffyDOS problem!
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 22:05:18 -0500
> Magnus Nyman <> wrote:
> >When Jiffy
> >loads the direcory (@$) it uses the vector bb/bc as a pointer to a
> >temporary buffer. Normally $9f01. The system uses the same vector as a
> >temporary storage for filenames after loading. (/,%,=A3... etc).
> >Load a ML-file from $1000 to $cfff, show the dir, and a part of your code
> >is corrupted!
There are a number of zero page locations used by JiffyDOS. These locations are also used by the JiffyDOS kernal built into RAMLink and RAMDrive. It is best to avoid using these locations in your own programs in order to retain complete JiffyDOS compatibility. At the very least, you should make sure that your use of them does not interfere with JiffyDOS' usage.
Location Variable Name Note
$26 allflag/rsize 2 $27 comsav 2 $9B keybyt 2 $9F cjla 2 $A3 ldflg/qflag 3 $A6 tflag 2 $B0/$B1 keyptr 2 $B0 sprsav 1 $B1 rassav 1 $B2 regsav 1 $BE drvbyt 2 $BF dest 2
$26 allflag/rsize 2 $27 comsav 2 $9F cjla 2 $A3 ldflg/qflag 3 $A6 tflag/togsav 2 $B0 sprsav 1 $B1 rassav 1 $B2 regsav 1 $BE drvbyt 2 $BF dest 2