From: (Chip Pieroni)
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 1996 01:59:55 GMT
Subject: C64 in a PC case..
Hi !
I'm just done installing my C64E and 4 FSD-2 disk drives into a BT M5000 PC case. The case is very big, and has room for 4 drives, with space for a PSU and half size C64 motherboard left over.
I first removed the FSDs' from their cases and screwed them into the chassis of the case. I then wired them in Parallel with my PC PSU and daisy chained them with a few serial bus wires. Next up I installed the motherboard in the slot for the PC motherboard, and I screwed it firmly down. It could probably be run from the PC PSU, but I wimped out and stuck in the C64 PSU (Loads of room without the HDs'.), running it in paralell with the PC PSU.
Next was the hard bit, connecting the keyboard ! I decided to use my standard C64 keyboard, and lengthen the wires a little. I managed to double (*2.7 more like.) the length of the wires and connect them through a blank PC slot. I noticed that any more than that in the length department and you have problems, perhaps uping the voltage on the keyboard or replacing the keyboard chip would help ?
Due to a handy desk config, that fitted nicely. I wired the C64 power switch to the PC's (4 pole, as 2 are used up for mains power !!) The joysticks I brought out to the front, where the BT security card reader would have been. To neaten everything up I cut the square part from an old ST case and installed that as a joystick plate, and the colours matched quite well.
The user port was connected to a edge connector mounted in a spare PC slot (Which I have not tested yet !), and the cartridge port was the same (I used an old SCSI bus plate, as the connectors are about the same size, remove the SCSI and insert the C64 Cart. port.) The serial bus was brought of from the last Disk Drive and placed on a female connector where the PC keyboard would go, as to connect a printer.
The tape interface I simply hard wired, with the lead going out the case and sitting on top.The video leads were connected up with an old CGA plate (Using the phono plugs as composite video and sound connectors.) that connected to my C64 Monitor.
The draw backs are the keyboard connector length and the fact that nearly all data connections have to have a ferrite core wired on. However, it sure looks cool and saves a LOT of space !
Cheers !!
Chip Pieroni..
Vintage Systems Finder