When did Nick and Aaron decide they wanted singing careers?
J.C: Nick was nine years old when he started singing in the backyard. I discovered him singing "Bridge Over Troubled Water" on a stump. Aaron was about six years old when he started singing in the bathtub.
How are your other children dealing with their siblings' fame?
J.C: They're doing really well now. At first there was a little jeaousy, of course. But I think they all recognize now that everybody has their own gifts and talents to give. And they've gone beyond their own jealousy in trying to achieve their own goals.
What do you think of all the attention that both your sons are receiving, especially from females?
J.C: I think it's perfectly normal for a pop star. They become role models, people idolize them. It's an important responsibility they have to these girls and to other young people, being in the public eye.
What has fame done to the boys' social lives?
J.C: Actually, it's expanded them socially. Aaron and Nick are beyond their years socially because they've done so many press interviews. They talk almost on an adult level. If you compare Aaron to another 10-year-old, verbally he's much more advanced. He's developed his communication skills from travellin all over the world.
What about their schooling?
J.C: I have a tutor who travels with Aaron (the same tutor who traveled with Nick during his early years). What's nice about it is when we go to all these different places around the world, she incorprates geography into his lessons. Yesterday we were in Berlin and she talked about the Berlin Wall.
I heard your sons have the same room and that Nick is messy and Aaron is really clean! Is that true?
J.C: At first it was. But now Aaron's getting messy too. I think it's the age! When kids become teenagers, they automatically take a little less time on that.
Does Nick feel like he's missing out on the everyday things that he could be doing at home?
J.C: When he's travelling- sure he does. Nick loves to be home.
How did your life as a mom change when Nick became famous?
J.C: I started travelling a lot more. A lot of kids know my name, they look up to me, they ask me for advice. I've kind of become a parent role model for a lot of kids.
Do you think your sons will ever do a duet? That would be cool because they both have nice voices!
J.C: The truth is they've already been planning for some time to do a duet. Even though they have different record companies, it's already been planned for sometime this year. They may do a remake of a Billy Ocean song, bit I'd like them to do something original (perhaps even write it together).
What are your daughters' reactions when people say they're so lucky to have hot brothers?
J.C: They don't even pay attention to it! They're proud of them (they sign autographs too!), but it's not a big deal to them. They make sure they tell their brothers, "Hey- you're not so great! You're my brother, just one of us." It keeps the ego in check.
Is Nick a straight-A student?
J.C: No, Nick has never been a straight-A student. He's never been one to focus on a typical school education. It's better for him to have done schooling the way he did it, because he doesn't really focus on many things for long periods of a time. He's very fidgety and goes from one thing to another really quick. But he's very smart.
Is it true that Nick never take off his shirt 'cause you wont let him?
J.C: Nick never take his shirt off, but that's his choise. He still has a little baby fat and he's shy about it. He eats to many Swiss cake rolls! He has a terrible sweet tooth!
I heard that B.J. also sings. Is that true? Will she or Leslie or Angel start a singing career?
J.C: B.J.'s not the one that sings. She's looking for an acting or modeling career. She's been invited to be in a music video by an artist here in Germany. But Leslie has a beautiful voice. And Angel likes to sing too- but mostly in church.
Does Nick plan on attending college soon?
J.C: No, I don't think Nick is interested in college right now. He's really into his career. He's been talking about going into acting as well- which he did when he was younger.
When did Nick start his acting career? And did Aaron act as well?
J.C: Nick started acting when he was ten. He was in a production of Peter and the Wolf (he played Peter). Aaron took a couple of acting classes, but it just got too hectic to run back and forth. But he doesn't have an interest in acting.
How do you feel about Nick getting an earring or a tattoo?
J.C: He knows how I feel about that! Definitely not. I think that's not his image. He wanted to do ot because the other guys were doing it, but I said that wasn't a reason to do it. You can be original by yourself. If he does it, it will be his big rebellion.
What about friends, Jane. Can you be that famous and still have friends?
J.C: Nick and Aaron have lots of friends. When Nick comes home, all the guys know him and love him so much. They come to the house and take him out to play basketball and hang around the house. Nick's always been really easy to get along with. His peers are very protective of him. Aaron makes a lot of friends out on the road. He's so outgoing! Everybody on the tour goes swimming and rollerblading. They have water-balloon fights. It's pretty rough on our tour bus. They call our bus the "Sesame Street" bus!
Does Nick still do some chores when he gets home? Or do you ever ground him?
J.C: Yeah. About a month ago Nick came home from a tour and pulled out everything from his room (baseball cards, etc.). He didn't pick anything up. So my husband told him he needed to clean up his room because there were people coming to visit. Nick didn't clean his room, so he got grounded! He was actually happy, I think, that we were paying attention to what he was doing. Kids want parents to discipline them when they need it. If you let 'em get away with things, they think you don't care.
Does Nick have any different aspirations for the future other than singing?
J.C: Nick has expressed an interest in going into the military, but I don't see that happening. Not that I'm against it- my husband was in the military and it's good training for kids.
Has your house become a tourist attraction now?
J.C: It has become a tourist attraction. The day Nick was to arrive home, we had 100 people outsidee with banners welcoming him. Before that, there were 50 people a day. But we alway keep autograph cards there and we give them out. If he's there, he sometimes goes out to say "hi" to them. They usually know they can't catch him if he's at home. When he walks down the driveway to get the mail, there's always somebody with a video camera taping him.
Who has been the biggest influence on your children?
J.C: Musically, for Nick, it was Steve Perry and Journey. For Aaron it was the Backstreet boys themselves.
Are Nick and Brian really best friends?
J.C: Yes, Nick and Brian really are best friends. Even though Brian's much older than Nick, he took Nick under his wing and really helped him to feel like a part of the group. For some reason, they were drawn to each other like brothers. Brian was like a big brother to Nick. Brian is a wonderful young man- full of happiness and joy. He makes me laugh!
What do you want Nick and Aaron to do other than their singing careers?
J.C: I'd want then to grow up to be happy young men and happy people. And I want then to give something back for everything they've gotten. Particulary, I want them to have compassion for other people. As long as they have those qualities, even if they're not famous, I'll feel I've accomplished what I should have as a parent.