American Indian Links
Nanticoke Leni-Lenape Tribe of New Jersey: A Nanticoke Tribe recognized by the State of New Jersey
Powhatan Confederecy : Powhatan Tribe recognized by the State of new Jersey
Thunder Mountain Band Of The Leni-Lenape: Leni-Lenape Band in Pennsylvania
The Native Web: A huge site with plenty of info and links
Accohannock Indians of Maryland: Nice site with a good history page
Traditional Abenaki: Abenaki Band of Mazipskwik
Lady Kali: Her beautiful Backgrounds are on our pages
Peter Fiquroa's art work: His art is below and the 10 commandments are on his page
The American Indian Links exchange: Agreat site with lots of links,there banner is on this page
Lighting Village Leni Lenape: another Leni-Lenape Band In Pa.
American Indian Radio on Sattelite: Music and forum on the web. Site is occasionally down. No Sunday Program.
Canadian Aboriginal Information: Ahhhhh Canada in the summertime
Windspeak : Canadian Aboriginal News
Native Tech: Try this page to learn about your herritage of crafts
This week in Indian History: Find out the events that shaped the future each week
Indian Country Today: Weekly news from American Indian country
Delaware Nanticoke: a new page that was sent to me
Native American Resources: An excellent list of many links
Rockit Radio: Another American Indian Radio Station on Real Audio
Piscataway History: History Page of another tribe that was once in Maryland
Georgie Walks with Horse: A new friend in Delaware
Nanticoke-Lenape of New Jersey: Standing Bear's Home page
Delaware Nation of Oklahoma: BIA Recognized Nation In Oklahoma...added 10-14-01
Eastern Delaware Nation: New Delaware Nation Web site
Address that may be helpful
If you have questions about names on the tribal roles contact one of
the following sources
Nanticoke Indian Association
Rt4 Box 107-A
Milsboro, De 19966
Nanticoke-Leni Lenape
18 East Commerce Street
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Phone 609-455-6910
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