Grandfather, teach me with the words of a wise owl, the wisdom of many winters. Teach me the lessons of one who has walked in balance and the source of that strength, Tell me Grandfather, Who rules the universe ? and what is the meaning of Mother Earth ? Teach me, that I may come to know The Circle of Understanding by one connected to the Creator beyond the clouds.... ************************************************* My spirit wearies walking in two worlds. I plant my feet in two faiths, wanting only peace. My ears hear words spoken in two tongues, neither understanding the other. Confusion circles my mind, two cultures clashing with their might, each demanding my allegiance. The conflict tears at my heart. My learning becomes a whirlwind, teachings swirling in every direction. Which voice speaks the truth ? My spirit wearies walking in two worlds. Who awaits me at the end ?
You sent me in the cradle of life an Indian, I give thanks. Relatives and relations have blessed my path, gratitude is for their teachings. My journey on the Red Road continues; the fires of friendship burn brightly in four directions. Creator god,the giver of all life, I give thanks, your blessings bend my knees in thanksgiving ******************************************************************************** Ah Ho ! The giver of breath to all living things, I come with singing in my heart. Ah ho, your beauty is everywhere; the smell of the flowers, and the sounds of many birds mingle all around me. Ah ho for the glow of the moon and the tiny fires that fill the sky, for your light of dawn,bringing a new begining for all creatures. Ah ho for the circle of life, my seasons full I come singing in my heart. Ah ho ! (thank you ) ********************************************************************** There is a battle between the Eagle and the Wolf. The Eagle inside me represents everything that is good and pure. Even though it soars through the valleys, it still lays it's eggs on the moutain top. There is a Wolf inside of me. The Wolf preys upon my weakness and justifies itself in the presence of the pack. Who will win the war between the Eagle and the Wolf ? "The one that feeds you" Who wins the battle for your mind ? " The one who feeds You " Who wins the battle for your life " The one you choose to build upon" Who wins the battle between right and wrong? " The one you choose to feed " What thoughts are filling your mind ? The Creator is calling upon you, listen well.