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Become more competitive, making/improving your own customer driven strategic plan the easy way.
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Cost of no strategic planning
- Crisis management, the company is reactive, not proactive
- Diverse directions and redundancy
- Loss of competitive edge
- At the mercy of outside influences
You will find here
- How to have an excellent information manager at your fingertips
- How to do your job as a real leader ( strategic planning, finding solutions)
- How to find your way in the labyrinth of business
- How to be, and make your employees proactive, concentrating on solutions instead of problems
- How to make your company more competitive
- Why customer driven strategic planning is so important
- How to have all the necessary information and not to be overloaded
- How to do company revitalization and reconstructing
Ready? Go! You will need only a few minutes.
1. Leave the keyboard for a few seconds and put your arms together (cross) å æ
2. Put your hands down ä ä
3. Put your arms together the opposite way (cross) ç è
I am sure to do it the opposite way was difficult for you just like for all of us, because we are all accustomed for 1, the regular way. We think, we all know the answers but we do not (this is reality). By a recent survey only 10 % of the end users are asked if they are satisfied with goods and services. Although everyone knows that the customer is first, only 10% lives up to it. Surely you can see the enormous potential of using customer driven strategic planning (it is based on the customers' perception of your services).
challenge to win
You as a proactive business leader are familiar with the followings
- Data collection, data analysis, benchmarking
- Strategic, business, marketing planning
- TQM, BPR, continuos improvement
- Cash flow management, financial planning
No One is able to keep this vast information in his/her head. All we need is an information manager, keeping the information selected, easily accessible and instantly usable. BPRpro, using the material, developed by Bob Dahlin does it for you. He as an Arthur Andersen US consultant with 38 years of management, consulting experience, selected and put into a logical order all the necessary information to create and implement a customer driven strategic plan, revitalize the company... The information is saved on a CD with a user friendly navigation program. The CD has 2000 slides (20MB), it's business value is estimated for $1,000. At this moment it is available for an introductory price of $392 (a fraction of your monthly salary) for multiply users. You can save up to $100 off the price:challenge to win if you take on our challenge.
Customer driven strategic planning is a must for.
- Concentrating on the most important, the customer
- Emphasizes the most important issues of mission
- Creates stability in an always changing world
- Shows all the possibilities and their limits
- Shows the ways of maintaining and increasing the company's competitiveness
- Company is mission driven rather than rule driven
- Data collection for strategic planning
1. Inside customers
2. Outside customers
3. Benchmarking
- Data analysis for strategic planning
- Strategic planning
challenge to win
Content of the CD
- Introduction
- Major elements of the revitalization and restructuring processes (3 slides)
- Initial company evaluation for BPR (17 slides)
- Revitalization and restructuring
- Enterprise revitalization (95 slides)
- Distressed enterprise restructuring (228 slides)
- Collecting the data for BPR
- Senior management questionnaire (qualitative data) (19 pages)
- Initial data collection tool (quantitative data) (52 pages)
- Customer perception evaluation (market/key customer data) (7pages)
- Benchmarking (competitors, best practices) (25 slides)
- Reviewing the internal environment - performing the marketing, resource, manufacturing and financial audits. Reviewing the external environment - examining the political, social and economic factors; and performing the market, competitive and technological analysis)
- Choosing a strategy and developing an implementation action plan
- General purpose tools for sections E and F
- Strategic/organizational assessment workshop (33 slides)
- BPR 1& 2 (103 slides)
- Total quality management (182 slides)
- Marketing planning (18 slides)
- Sales and marketing management (34 slides)
- Business plans (18 slides)
- Single Purpose Supporting Tools
- Basic marketing (24 slides)
- Establishing a marketing and sales department (19 slides)
- Process mapping (36 slides)
- Management reporting systems (33 slides)
- Financial accounting
- Financial statements (16 slides)
- International accounting standards, IAS (50 slides)
- Assessing business performance (19 slides)
- Managing financial resources
- Working capital (94 slides)
- Cash flow management (42 slides)
- Budgeting (52 slides)
- Cost management (192 slides)
- Obtaining Financial Resources
- Corporate finance (130 slides)
- Staffing analysis (12 slides)
- Performance measurement (84 slides)
- Assisting in implementation and follow-up (34 slides)
- Management of change to promote employee buy-in (Monitor action plans, monitor performance measures, adjust performance targets, work with the implementation team)
- Conducting a project evaluation (3 slides)
- Additional Reference Material (37 pages)
Generic Strategies, PIMS, Experience Curve, KSF, SWOT, Value Chain, 7-S Model...
- Supplement of additional tools
The subjects touch on almost all business related issues, in presentation format in color if desired. The information is based on the most recent, proven management techniques. Important parts of chapters' can be downloaded and used at no charge for your convenience. We are using the approach, as you were an outsider consultant analyzing your company. This approach will help you tremendously to be objective.
challenge to win
The CD is an easy to understand, organized body of knowledge, which can be used instantly as a reference material or for your employee's education. By recent surveys the key to a successful BPR is:
- Top management's commitment
- Employee's education, participation
It is your turn now. You can order this valuable CD to use it right away for the fraction of your monthly salary, saving you months of hard work.
HOW TO ORDER: For safety reasons please do not give your credit card number via the internet, let your bank deal with our bank, just simply transfer USD 392 (please deduct your winning, up to $100 challenge to win) to our account. Shipping and handling charges are included. It is that simple and we will deliver your CD the same day. Since the information is more than 20 MB, it can not be downloaded to your email address. You will receive your CD promptly via airmail. order form
- 486 CPU or newer
- 30 MB free space on your hard disk drive
- Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 or Windows NT
- Power Point Viewer and Word 97 Viewer is available on the CD or downloadable from the homepage of Microsoft Corporation's homepage for viewing and printing if you do not have Power Point 8.0, and Word 97.
- Power Point 8.0 and Word 97 version for editing the slides
Windows, PowerPoint, & Word are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
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