Establishing a marketing and sales department
- This is a tool that provides background on the evolution of marketing and sales within an organization. It also outlines the various options an enterprise manager should consider in establishing these functions within his/her company. It provides the pros and cons of each number of options, and describes the responsibilities of the various elements of these two important functions.
- To give the enterprise manager the information for deciding what type of organization structure is best for a company, based on the company's market and product situation.
- When/how to use
- It should be used as basic information for thinking through the various options, which can be employed from an organizational standpoint, when improvement is needed in a company's marketing and sales operations. The material can be used as overheads in a training program to explain the differences in responsibilities between sales and marketing to company management or other employees.
General directors can play a leading role in fostering the transition to customer focus and market orientation
- appoint, champion and empower a marketing director as a direct report, who is seen to be of equal status to chief engineer, and other senior figures
- personally exemplify "customer-focused" commitment and frequently refer to it as corporate goal
- sponsor changes to incentive and compensation schemes such that market-oriented goals are privileged over production oriented targets
- support hiring of new talent for specific roles in marketing departments
- allocate sufficient resources to support marketing function
- establish a cross-functional marketing task force with key managers from production, sales, engineering and technology, purchasing and finance
Marketing & sales department, goals
Marketing department
- Develops production and sales strategy
- Prepares market information enabling upper management to make decisions
- Coordinates the activities of all enterprise divisions for strategy realization
- Assists the sales department in promotion
Sales department
- Promotes the product
- Guarantees after-sale services
- Prepares information for the marketing department regarding sale and customer preference
Marketing & sales department structure reorganization principles
- Divide "marketing" and "sales"
- Organize "sales" in a way that allows for a systematic approach to customer groups that allows for synergies
- Geography
- Product
- Recognize the capabilities within the organization
- Recognize who the internal sponsors are
- Avoid wrenching change
challenge to win