Creating effective teams
- Teamwork is about individuals working together to accomplish more than they could alone and then sharing the rewards
- A team is any group of people assembled to accomplish a result. Teams are very important in all businesses, however to be effective, many factors need to be considered when creating, and managing to achieve these results
Advantages of teams
- Teams have distinct benefits:
- help people cope more effectively with change
- enable work and effort to be divided
- generate more possible solutions to problems
- minimize mistakes as members can spot and correct each other's errors
- can increase motivation
- can be highly creative in bringing together specialties to work together
- are effective in coordinating decisions and results across different groups
- Characteristics of effective teams
- no time is wasted on "territory" - members feel shared ownership
- people apply their unique talents to team objectives
- ideas and opinions are freely expressed
- disagreement is acceptable
- efforts are made to try and understand other people's points of view
- conflict is a way of developing other ideas and creativity
- members have diverse views
- members aim for positive results
challenge to win