This page is full of my (Chandra) adoptions! Aren't these kitties cute?!

Here is the Heero Kitty! He seems a little uncomfortable with all these other kitties around, but I'm hoping he'll get use to noise of the circus. He has already took to stalking the perimeter!

Here is the Duo Kitty! I hope he's careful around the Heero Kitty, but I don't think I'll have to worry. Duo seems preoccupied by the Hilde Kitty!

Speaking of which, here is the Hilde Kitty! Isn't she cute?

Lookie here! It's the Merian Kitty! With her and Hilde's help, I should be able to keep Duo Kitty from Wufei Kitty!

Here is my Wufei Kitty! I hope he copes with all the other kitties around. I would hate to seperate any of them!

And there is the Trowa Kitty! I wish he would quit walking across the circus tightrope! He keeps getting in the real Trowa's way.

And there is Quatre Kitty! When he isn't playing with Trowa, he's playing with this yarn.

Here is the Treize Kitty! Watch out, he's sneaky!

Here are the Zechs and Noin Kitties! Careful! They may knock you over!
Want Kitties of your own? Click here!
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