Either way, the fun is unique.
See the children in costume
As they run up and down the street.
This is the one night of the year
When the children will not care if monsters come near.
And not one parent will you hear
Yelling for their children to “hurry dear."
In costumes of all kinds
They will knock
on your door
In short and long lines.
When it is the full of the moon
The little one’s curfew will come too soon.
Home they will go
But oh so slow
While the older kids stay out in the old Moon’s glow.
Do not fear if you hear a shriek.
Just look out the keyhole and take a peek.
Just open the door.
They won't roar.
They’ll just say
and thank you!
They want to fill up their bags
And won’t go home until the sag.
With candy of all kinds!
The hour is getting late.
But still they hesitate.
And before you know
The Moon will be low.
And then you will know it is the end of the celebration for the dead.
All the children have gone home to bed.
Or maybe not!
Then there are two little devils both she and he
But they are going home with me!