Beat Links!! (To interviews, pictures, competitions,etc!)

The Irish Pop Front page!!!: The complete index!
The Area 4 Interview!!: Read an exclusive backstage interview with Area 4 !!!
The Four Front Interview !!: An Exclusive interview with Four Front --at their hotel!!
The REEL interview!!: An exclusive interview with the first ever traditional boyband--from Backstage at the Beat !!
Win an Exclusive SIGNED FOUR FRONT CD !!!: Get the Details on how to win RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!!

Since 12th August '99 people have been here!!!

Limerick was BUZZIN'!!!!!!

Summer in Ireland means one thing to me now--that its time for the 
Beat On the Street!!!!! This year I made the journey to Limerick to 
check out some of Ireland's hottest up and coming stars along with 
Ireland's coolest Dj's!!! Read all about it, HERE.......

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the atmosphere was
 mounting!!!! The 2fm-Kit Kat Beat On The Street had arrived Limerick 
for the first time in 5 years- and 15,000 people had come to the Taits
 Clock to see it all happening!!!

Just after 8 o'clock, Dusty Rhodes hit the stage to introduce the  
Brilliant (as ever) Digges Lane Dancers. After some Venga Boys and 
other top pop tunes, it was time for Shane O Donoghue to show his 
face!!!! Shane introduced a variety of Summer songs, including one of
 my current faves-- "Mambo Number 5" !!
Dusty joined him on stage again towards the end of his set--and 
announced that Shane was very shy... (I beg to differ) but that he was
 also a fantastic singer (that's for sure!) Shane was coaxed into 
singing a verse or 2 from a traditional Limerick Song-- " Limerick
 you're a lady"--  proving that his voice  has a number of talents!!!!

It wasn't long before Area 4 were introduced on stage!!! These guys 
are seriously talented, so watch out for them in the future!!! They 
sang 3 songs, including a cover of a song by the Kinks, and also their
 new single "Scream" !! The crowd went wild!!!! The lads introduced 
themselves--and it was hard to hear them above the screaming girls in
 the front row!! 

This was followed by another set of songs, such as Will Smiths "Wild
 Wild West" introduced by various Dj's --including Damien Mc Caul who
 took a phone call live on stage from Dustin the Turkey!! 

 As the daylight was dimming, the crowd increased as night time 
revellers decided to check out what was going on. Reel were the next
 band to hit the stage. They are a new traditional boy band, who sang
 3 songs. (Among them, the typical Boy band favourite--what else but
 the old Monkee's classic --"Daydream Believer!!!") They were really 
good and went down well with the crowd who all sang along with the 

More Dj's took to the stage with a number of songs currently topping 
the charts-- Ricky Martin's "Livin' La Vida Loca" went down a storm!!
The funniest thing to happen, what Dusty called "the Cock up of the 
1999 Beat On the Stret tour" was when  DJ Michael Cahill just avoided
 falling off the stage-- but nearly fell through it instead!!! 

Will Leahy (a Limerick Man) and Ruth Scott came on stage-- with their 
" We hate Steps" " We love Steps" row!! Will is one of those Dj's who 
refused to play Steps, even during his Top 10 Countdown, and they were
 Number ONE!!! Ruth , on the other hand had been speaking to fans, who
 had wanted to hear Steps on the beat!!! Each tried to get the crowd 
on their side --And the " We love Steps"  fans won!!! we were treated
 to  "5,6,7,8" , "Tragedy", and "Love's Got A hold of my Heart" much 
to the "delight" of Will !!!!!!

Lorcan Murray,  an ex-2fm Dj' from Limerick who has done the most Beat
 On The Street tours, came down to say HELLO  to the excited crowd for
 the last time, since the Beat was in his home town!!!

Meanwhile, Backstage, I was interviewing  REEL, who proved to be every
 bit a nice as they seem!!!!! Read that interview, here!!!

At 10.30, "Four Front" took to the stage to headline the Limerick Beat
 On the Street. Four Front are a cool  new rap band, whose single " 
Get Together" will be in the shops  in the next couple of weeks!!! 
( To celebrate this, IRISH POP ONLINE has an exclusive competition, 
where you can win an EXCLUSIVE SIGNED Four Front C.d!!!!! We have 3 to
 give away !! Click here for the details!!!!!!!!)
 Four Front went down brilliantly with the crowd. (Read an interview 
with them, taken the morning after right here) 

 A couple of party mad songs later, and it was time for some magic!!
  Ian and Roly from Area 4 came back out with Dusty Rhodes and helped
 him in a disappearing act, with the aid of a giant 2fm Curtain!!!!
Sadly, it was then nearly time to go home, and backstage all the 
bands, singers, dancers, and dj's were preparing to go on stage for 
the final goodbye...until Tralee and Dublin, that is!!!!!

If YOU want to party from 8 till late to the hottest new sounds, best
 dancers, and stars, all wrapped arouund by the coolest Dj's, the Beat
 On the Street, is for you!!!
If you can make it to Tralee on August 21st, or Dublin on August 29th,
 then please take my advice, and check it out!!!