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Releases/Music In The World of ....


Familiar/unfamiliar (f/u) provides a structure enabling a sonic continuum where sounds of nature are imitated by human, vocal or instrumental sounds,which are in turn imitated by recordings/electronic reproduction which are in turn imitated by digital sampling and computer generated audio.

Sections of f/u are found in all of the other works, as they are re-integrated back into their originating sound environments.

Record shop blends the recording/electronic reproduction sections of f/u with record shop environments and a voice sample lamenting the end of the morse code era.

Humansvoices mixes familiar and unfamiliar elements of human voice in a space where both compete for our listening priority.

Animalsplanesmachines places sections of f/u into the originating sound environments. Hence, 'animals' is played in a forest where there are animals and re-recorded within the sound environment. 'Machines' is played alongside a sound environment of machines and re-recorded. The two groups of sounds merge seemlessly?