I do have a real job, reguardless what some people think, I just haven't found the perfect one yet !!!
I live in Colorado .. Denver area.. Luv those Broncos, Avalanche, an the Rockies. I surf the net for all kinds for information, places to go , things to do (an there are alot of things to do here). I have alot of new friends an lots of places to visit. thanks guys you are all the greatest!!!.
I have four boys one step daughter, and eight wonderful grandchildren ! I love them all very much .. They are all joy to my life.
I collect Fairie Fantasy Art an Fairie figruine collectitables.
I am an avid sic-fi nutt have the star trek blood in me .. beam me up scotty ..lol.
I am always working on my home page with many different things to do an explore. I love the state of Colorado.. an have visited the country here often with the dream of having my own country style Bed-n-Breakfast some day .. outdoors camping, hiking, walking, exploring the home that I have found here, an photogaraphy, (just ask all the kids lol),even cook a little, an I am addicted to the web I surf the net all the time, so you don't have to... adding things that will help all my friends to use an add to their own pages.
Well thats me in a nut shell .. come visit some time I always have a pot of something brewing
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