Islam Online Waqia's: Imam Jafer Sadiq AS

  Once a Khorasani chief by the name of Sahl bin Hasan came to Imam Sadiq (A.S.), and asked him why the Imam wasn't fighting for his rights when there were thousands of supporters ready to fight with him. The Imam asked him to sit down and wait. In the meantime, a servant of the Imam came, and the Imam asked her if she had kindled the fire. She replied, "yes". Imam Sadiq (A.S.) took Sahl with him and went to the fireplace. The fire was blazing red. The Imam turned to Sahl and told him to jump into the fire. Sahl trembled and begged forgiveness from the Imam and asked not to be burnt. At this moment, Harun Al Makki arrived. Imam told Harun to jumo into the fire, and Harun did this at once, without hesitating. After a while, Imam asked Sahl to go check on Harun. Sahl saw Harun sitting in the fire safely. Imam then asked Sahl hom many of his followers were like this man. Sahl replied, "none, master", Imam then asked Harun to leave the fire and no burns were seen on him!

Once the Abbasid Khalifah, Mansur, decided to kill the Imam. For this, he hired 100 illiterate people. The plan was that he would summon the Imam and when a specified signal was given, they would cut him to pieces with their swords. However, when the Imam came, they all showed him their respect, despite the signal being given to them. The hypcritical Khalifah also recieved the Imam cordially. When Imam Sadiq (A.S.) lefit, Masur asked why they had not killed him, they replied, "By Allah! We did not know that you wanted us to kill this Holy person, he is kind to us as a father and helps us day and night. How could we kill him?" Mansur had no choice but to keep quiet.

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