A rose is a symbol of truth and honesty
therefore with this rose I have agreed
to obey the following oath and creed


I vow to be a better netizen.
I vow to respect other peoples work and ideas with the same passion that I respect my own.
I vow to support my friends and those who are generous to me by being honorable on the internet.
I vow to try to be kinder and make more friends.
I vow to give credit to those who have helped me.
I vow to use my email to say something nice or say nothing at all.
I vow to encourage other people to have honor on the internet by my example.
I vow to consider my actions and question the intergrity of them before I act.
I vow to show same respect for the 'little people' that I would show to the powerful.
I vow to unite for what is right.

[Vikki Mouse] [Laughin]

Annabella's HTML Help
Helped so much and didn't even realize it.
Check her out if you're new to HTML

[mouse pad link]

[Lady Dj's Banner  Made my Email Envelop]

[Voices in the Wind is Playing]

[Thanks for the rose]
provided the animatedd rose

The Laugh In Banner

[envelop made by Lady Dj]