Ok well my family has told me I should do a page on myself..
So here goes nothing..Alright My name is KiM..I am married to
Jeff incase you didn't know. I have three wonderful kids..
Josh who is 7. Sam who is 5. Oh and Kenny Girl she is 3.
I am 27 I have been married for 8 yrs. We live in Florida and
LUVE it..We have been here for a little over 1 yr NoW.

Ok Things I like..I LUVE my puter I have been on line
for 1 yr NoW and LUVE it. I have made alot of friends learned
alot on my own and from my friends..I thank each and everyone
of them cuz if not for them I would still be clueless...
hehehe..I LUVE the beach it is so peacefully and quiet even
with tourist and kids LoL. Remember it is Florida.

Also I believe in my faith...I am a Christain and believe
in Jesus all the way..For with out my faith I doubt I would
be where I am right know..But that is a whole other story..
Ok well this is it..I will add more later...I am rather quiet
LOL ya right...I LUVE to spend time with my family for they are
all that I really have down here not that I don't LUVE them
I LUVE them more than they know..There are those times
when they tend to fight a bit to much over
very very stupid things..

Josh he is a cool kid he is very smart despite his stupid
act..He LUVES to learn..He really like animals no one in
partcular he likes to learn about them all..He LUVEs his
drums even those weeks when he yells at me an his drum
teacher *EG* He is a big help most of the time except
when he gets set on him self and wants nothing to do with
the rest of us..But hey what kid doesn't..Of course I am
mean and make him help I am the Mother right...LUVE ya JosH

SaM is a great little girl but trust me her make sure
you stay on her good side *G* She has this little
problem sometimes she has been blessed with her
MoMs attitude.. Oh it can be yet so pleasent...*EG*
Lets just say you have to LUVE us to really understand...
Not that we are mean but we like to get our way..
LoL SaM also LUVEs dance she has been dancing for a little
under 1 yr know due to moving it should be 2..She is a
great little dance she try's her best at everything..Yet she
tends to be an air head LoL well it is true..She LUVEs her
barbies and and did I forget to mention Blanket my she goes
no where over night with out her buddy blanket...
Well I LUVE ya SaM

Kenny well here is a story LoL...Kenny is the
baby but she will tell you NO I AM BUBBIE..
Though all my kids were gifts from GoD Kenny
is a bit different she is opinonated stubborn and always
want it her way or the highway...Lets just
say she is MoM all the way...She is alway
talking never stops well when she is a sleep that is
it sometimes even then she talks...She LUVEs
Pooh and all his friend ask her and
she'll tell you yup I LUVE Pooh but MoM she likes Piglet..
She also Like Blues Clues Sesame Street and so on...
TheSesame Street channel is almost always on and of
course Nick jr..Ok well I LUVE ya KeN hehehe
TY for stopping by my page...

Click TiggeR to hear DoNs song..Please be patient though...

Oh My there is one more important person in my life I
forgot...He will be so sad if I forget him...It
is my baby bro DoN he is a way cool Brother.. He
is up in New Hampshire.. *sigh* Yet he is still very dear to me..
He will be moving down when he gets out of
High School...Man and does that seem very far away..It is only
a year and a half away but it still is way to long... You see
DoN and I didn't grow up together so like we didn't get all the
fun stuff as kids.. He lived with my DaD and his MoM..
When Gramp was sick he ask for my DaD andI to talk and
we granted his wish. Well anyhow DaD decided DoN
and I should become friends and get to know each
other Hehehe Best thing ever I will tell you..
DoN and I spent a whole summer together..Boy we had a lot of
fun..We went camping, worked on cars and just goofed
around.. What a great time..Well DoN decided he wanted to
live with Jeff and I due to the fact our DaD and his MoM
were have some trouble so I said ok fine with me..Well
lets keep it short that ended DoN coming over..They were
far from happy with that idea..Hehehe But that didn't
stop us from seeing each other Nope they think it did
but NOT..Thanks to his good friends we still got to see him...
Ty to all of you....Well when we moved here it was said
he would move down when he was 18 and his friends were
bring him down..But things have change...He will be finishing
school up in New Hampshire due to a certain reason..
Well here is the story on Jeff..Well he is a
caring very loving person..He strongly believes
in our faith though people think we are a bit
weird..But then again who isn't weird..Hmmm How
did I met this wonderful man some people have asked
me so I will tell it here so then I know longer have
to explain it to people who have computers...I met
Jeff in March of 1990..He was working at U-Haul at
the time and was the manager of the store..He was
hiring people to work in the store..So me being in
need of a job went down there to get an application..
Well he was real busy and said come back tonight at
closing..So i did like a dope..My friend was like he
didn't give you the application I said nope have to
come back..Boy was I dumb he wanted me to come back
for other reasons...*sheesh* Men..Ok so I did I went
back to get this job that I really needed..Well to make
a long story short I never did get the job I did go to
attept to go to the cooperate office to get but I got
rear end in Boston Oh I was so scared it was Jeffs car
I had no license, So I told the Guy I was with tell them
you were driving ok and ran to the phone to call Jeff and
tell him..He was so calm and sweet he was more oncerned
with me than the car...*sigh* So from there on it was
Jeff and I...My friend Iwas living with at the time was
so mad i was always with him ohhh she got real upset and
told me her parents wanted me back at the house to help
out..So being the good friend also I was living there I
went to the house her MoM and DaD were like "no we never
said that..." Ack Boy was I really mad then I was like
"ok so what is going on." then all they wanted was to know
if I was ok and so on...Well that is when Jeff and I moved
in together...I went with him for Easter met his family..
hehehe Whole nother story..Jeff and I always had a good time
together the White mountains was our favorite place to go on
the weekends..We spent a lot of time up there..Oh it is so
way beautiful..We would go to Story Land see the Clarks Bears
OMW just do silly things...Then one night Jeff and I well
anyways He asked me to marry him I was like get out you are
a goof...So I told him if he meant it to get down on his knee
well he did OMW I was in total shock..remember we met in March
he proposed in May..Oh the next day we were making plans for
the wedding..We decided to get married in September of 1990..
We pick out the rings got my Diamond *which I lost ack*
We then decided to tell our parents well lets just
say it was a big mistake they told us "no don't do it you
don't know each other..." Well after that we decided no matter
what we were getting married...HeH..Ok so like we made plans...
Then in July we moved to Florida and stayed with his Dad and
Tina...Boy I was like wow check it out how cool I love it LoL...
We planned the wedding from FL and got married up in MA( With a
lot of help from his DaD and Tina and his MoM and John )..Despite
all we were told..Jeff and I have been together for almost 9 yrs
NoW no one thought we would ever make it past 6 months..HeH We
did it...It wasn't always easy but we stuck through it..Our
parents were always saying yup it is tough but you can do it..
Well they were right look we are still together..We have been
blessed with 3 beautiful children..Even though times may get tough
we will always stick together..After all we beat the odds
didn't we...I LOVE Jeff with all my heart and always will
Even though I can be a total B*tch but I am a woman..
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