Marine Corps Colors Still Stands
Marine Corps Colors
Still Standing
Semper Fi
827 USMC

Marine Corps Colors
Marine Corps Colors Still Stands In Pentagon Wreckage

Marine Corps Retrieve Flag
Marines Retrieve Their Colors From The Wreckage

Subj: Re: Fw: Semper Fi
Date: 9/14/01 12:30:00 AM Central Daylight Time
From: (usmc pix)
To: keyso1 (The Keyso's)

Hi Melissa,

Thank you so much for sending me this picture. I've sat here by my tv these past 3 days watching the horror of the Attack On America, waiting for each update, hoping that more survivors are found.

I saw it when they showed the Colors were still standing through all the destruction. Truly like a Marine, it stands tall and above all. Ooooh Rahhh !!!

I thought that since it made it through all that, the least I could do was put it on a webpage. I also loved the attached notes.

Semper Fi,

----- Original Message -----

Subj: Fw: Semper Fi
Date: 9/13/01 9:27:27 PM Central Daylight Time
From: keyso1 (The Keyso's)
To: (usmc pix)

Thought you might be able to find a good place for this pix. I liked the notes attached also.

Melissa Keyso
Humble Mom of
Cpl Scott Jenson -- K-Bay to Oki with the 31st MEU
Ashley and Alyssa 11 and 12 going on 21

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jenson LCpl Scott M"
To: keyso1
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 12:54 AM
Subject: FW: Semper Fi

Thought you might appreciate this. Notice how the flag is still standing amid the destruction. I am back at work and working hard, unfortunately I can't say much else.


-----Original Message-----

From: Morris Capt Jennifer B
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:36 PM
To: 31MEU CE NCO & BELOW; 31MEU CE NCO's; 31MEU CE Officer List; 31MEU CE SNCO List
Subject: FW: Semper Fi

-----Original Message-----
From: Crow Maj Stephen J
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 3:54 AM
To: Beckford Capt Hassen C; Ohnstad 1stLt Michael D; Armold Capt Adrian D; Anthony 2ndLt Michael Jr; Barlow Capt William H; Boitnott Capt Brad P; Bowlds Mr Herbert A; Brogdon 2nd Lt Katalin C; Brogdon 2ndLt John N; Brookins Mr Donald W; Broome Capt Joseph D; Burke Capt Russell A; Burrows Capt Damon K; Camerano Capt Judith M; Denckhoff Capt Robert H; Duselis 2nd Lt John U; Eastland 1stLt Julie R; Escobar 2nd Lt Grace K; Farina Capt Jennifer M; Garcia Capt Katia M; Jenkins 1stLt Germaine S; Lamorie Capt Justin D; Mack Maj Wallace P; 'Maj Ira Cheatham'; Mays 2ndLt Steven D; Michel Capt Anthony D; Moravec 1st Lt Richard R; Morris Capt Jennifer B; Pelletier Maj Crystal T; Rebholz 2ndLt Steven P; Rivinius 1StLt Amy C; Roberts Ms Brenda L; Salcido Capt Raul L; Scheuffele GySgt Mark E; Schweiter Maj Herbert E; Smith Capt Douglas W; Swanson Capt Joseph C; Tanner Capt Aimee C; Urrea 2ndLt Steve; Walker Capt Charles D
Subject: Semper Fi

To All:

The attached picture doesn't take much explanation - other than it was taken this morning and the only thing not burned was your Marine Corps Colors.

Semper Fi
Maj Crow

This Page Was Created On 09/14/01
My Heartfelt Condolences To The Families And
The Victims Of This Vicious & Senseless Crime