Subj: Re: Fw: Semper Fi
Date: 9/14/01 12:30:00 AM Central Daylight Time
From: (usmc pix)
To: keyso1 (The Keyso's)
Hi Melissa,
Thank you so much for sending me this picture. I've sat here by my tv these past 3 days watching the horror of the Attack On America, waiting for each update, hoping that more survivors are found.
I saw it when they showed the Colors were still standing through all the destruction. Truly like a Marine, it stands tall and above all. Ooooh Rahhh !!!
I thought that since it made it through all that, the least I could do was put it on a webpage. I also loved the attached notes.
Semper Fi,
----- Original Message -----
Subj: Fw: Semper Fi
Date: 9/13/01 9:27:27 PM Central Daylight Time
From: keyso1 (The Keyso's)
To: (usmc pix)
Thought you might be able to find a good place for this pix. I liked the notes attached also.
Melissa Keyso
Humble Mom of
Cpl Scott Jenson -- K-Bay to Oki with the 31st MEU
Ashley and Alyssa 11 and 12 going on 21
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jenson LCpl Scott M"
To: keyso1
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 12:54 AM
Subject: FW: Semper Fi
Thought you might appreciate this. Notice how the flag is still standing amid the destruction. I am back at work and working hard, unfortunately I can't say much else.
-----Original Message-----
From: Morris Capt Jennifer B
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:36 PM
To: 31MEU CE NCO & BELOW; 31MEU CE NCO's; 31MEU CE Officer List; 31MEU
Subject: FW: Semper Fi
-----Original Message-----
From: Crow Maj Stephen J
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 3:54 AM
To: Beckford Capt Hassen C; Ohnstad 1stLt Michael D; Armold Capt Adrian D; Anthony 2ndLt Michael Jr; Barlow Capt William H; Boitnott Capt Brad P; Bowlds Mr Herbert A; Brogdon 2nd Lt Katalin C; Brogdon 2ndLt John N; Brookins Mr Donald W; Broome Capt Joseph D; Burke Capt Russell A; Burrows Capt Damon K; Camerano Capt Judith M; Denckhoff Capt Robert H; Duselis 2nd Lt John U; Eastland 1stLt Julie R; Escobar 2nd Lt Grace K; Farina Capt Jennifer M; Garcia Capt Katia M; Jenkins 1stLt Germaine S; Lamorie Capt Justin D; Mack Maj Wallace P; 'Maj Ira Cheatham'; Mays 2ndLt Steven D; Michel Capt Anthony D; Moravec 1st Lt Richard R; Morris Capt Jennifer B; Pelletier Maj Crystal T; Rebholz 2ndLt Steven P; Rivinius 1StLt Amy C; Roberts Ms Brenda L; Salcido Capt Raul L; Scheuffele GySgt Mark E; Schweiter Maj Herbert E; Smith Capt Douglas W; Swanson Capt Joseph C; Tanner Capt Aimee C; Urrea 2ndLt Steve; Walker Capt Charles D
Subject: Semper Fi
To All:
The attached picture doesn't take much explanation - other than it was taken this morning and the only thing not burned was your Marine Corps Colors.
Semper Fi
Maj Crow