WaveClock applet

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Download file wave.zip (10K) and unpack it. Put file WaveClockApp.class in your HTML directory. Put text into your page:

<APPLET CODE="WaveClockApp.class" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=120>
Some text for users of browsers which does not support Java: Your browser does not support Java or Java is not enable.

and you will see my clock applet on your page!

You can change HEIGHT and WIDTH as you want, but not less than 50. Also you can specify ALIGN as in <IMG>: LEFT, RIGHT, BASELINE etc.

If you want keep HTML files and Java classes in different directories, you can use CODEBASE attribute of <APPLET> tag. For example, I put my page into /~ivan_mcg/appletsdoc/, and applet's class files in /~ivan_mcg/classes/. I ahve to use next code:

<APPLET CODE="WaveClockApp" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200 CODEBASE=/~ivan_mcg/classes>
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In fact, applet can be at another man's directory and even at another server (you must define protocol and server name in CODEBASE attribute).

You can set a number of parameters using <PARAM> tag - <PARAM NAME='ParamName' VALUE='ParamValue'>. Place it after <APPLET> tag (see examples).

Parameters available:

This optional parameter lets you change color of text. ParamValue must be color in one of two formats: as hexadecimal number (#RRGGBB) or list of 3 decimal numbers, delimited by spaces, commas or semicolons (for example, '255, 1128;;;0' is valid value).
This optional parameter lets you change color of background. ParamValue must be color in one of two formats (see about FORE parameter).
This optional parameter lets you change color of digit's shade zones. ParamValue must be color in one of two formats (see about FORE parameter).
This optional parameter lets you change style of digits. This is number of 2 digits: "DL". "D" is style of dark zones of digit (0 - fill, 1 - "empty"). "L" is style of light zones (0 - fill, 1 - "empty").
If this parameter is set to "1", time over your page will turn back... This idea is by Vladimir Kaluga.
You can get simple 3D effects by this 2 parameters (they are independent). HIGH defines color of up-left side of light zones. LOW defines color of down-right side of dark zones of digits.


<APPLET CODE="WaveClockApp.class" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=150>
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<APPLET CODE="WaveClockApp.class" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=150>
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Your browser does not support Java or Java is not enable. You can't see my applet.

<APPLET CODE="WaveClockApp" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=150>
<PARAM NAME=COUNTMODE VALUE=1> <PARAM NAME=BACK VALUE=#000080> <PARAM NAME=FORE VALUE=#808080> <PARAM NAME=HIGH VALUE=#FFFFFF> <PARAM NAME=LOW VALUE=#000000> Your browser does not support Java or Java is not enable.

Your browser does not support Java or Java is not enable. You can't see my applet.

Read more about <Applet> tag.

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Ivan "MCG" Boldyrev,


© Ivan 'MCG' Boldyrev, 1999.

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