Below A Rainbow

I'm sitting below a rainbow
Staring up above
Wondering when the world will show me a little piece of its love
Looking forward to tomorrow
Forgetting 'bout yesterday
I hope for the best, yet expect the worst
So I sit alone and I pray
I'm sitting below a rainbow
Wishing to be a bird
To glide above the screaming wind
And hear no more harsh words
I want to see more clearly
So I close my eyes and wonder
What have I done so wrong to them to bring about such thunder?
I'm sitting below a rainbow, leaning on its side
If it should ever disappear
Who'll be standing by?
I see a figure faintly
It's coming into view
I sit and hope that when I see
That figure will be you.  

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Megan's poem, "Below A Rainbow" has been read times.