
A fiery tongue speaks its lies into my ears
And sinners lips place sinful kisses upon my own
I writhe beneath the soft painful touches
of burdened hands upon my battered body.
Crown me in the vanity of which I make myself to be
and hold me in the ecstasy in which that I hold you
punish me for my lust and passion, hold me in contempt 
for my love.
My love which I hath bome forth to control my pain, my hatred
my rage,
will it deep within me and let forth the demons which dance upon my
Close your eyes and se me, for I am but a dream, but a lie in your
mind and conjured from your imagination,
so forget me, decieve yourself, and lie to yourself, so you might 
believe in you. And know I the truth when you speak and know my 
identity you will...

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