
It is dark.
I can see nothing.
I fly high above the world
On crow's wings.
I thought I was dead.
But death can never claim
The one you resists.

I fly high above the filth
Of the world.
I stare down at it with
The yellow eyes of a crow.
I watch and find that 
I no longer have the capacity to judge.

I fly high through the darkness
On the wings of a crow.
Looking for the murderers
Of a life I once led.
Searching for revenge.

I fly high.
Higher still.
My wings beautiful black
My eyes sharp yellow
And my face painted into sorrow.

Sing with me
As I fly
So high.

See through my eyes
Though I hope you never do.

For at the end of the day
When I rest  and think.
All I can think of is what I had.
And I won't stop trying 
Until I'm back home with you.
Because love never dies.
It's the one thing that will always survive.
I fly through darkness.

I cannot see.
I fly on black wings of a crow.
But your love is always with me.
It is my guiding star.
My light.

I fly on the wings of a crow.
And I die to be with you.

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Michael's poem, "Crow", has been read times.