
when sunlight crests over the mountain
when light begins to drip through the trees
when creatures stir and rub their tiny eyes
when the moon waves goodbye to her sister
when the oldest sound is made fresh and clean
the world is cleansed 
when the sun has warmed the land 
when the breeze is blowing with joy
when the creatures leap and shout in giddy excitement
when the lakes become alive with sparkling waves
when time slows to a lazy crawl 
the world is living
when the sun is cooling down
when the air is filled with the smells of the day
when creatures lay back and watch the last dancing   
     rays of the mother sun's golden tresses
when the sister moon begins to gather her star children
when the sounds have quieted and barely a soul is moving
the world is just being night
when the moon casts her light and shadows 
when the air is still and silent
when the creatures are dreaming of love
when the earth repairs itself with tenderness
when stars take the water and sky as their playground
when the sounds have coalesced into quiet symphonies
the world is being recreated
thank God for His handiwork

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