The Fourth Dimension
This is a semi-science fiction story that I wrote for my Algebra class in the beginning of the year. I just thought I would share it with you guys since that other story I had up, The Mystery of the Superstitious Suspect, hasn't been updated in about four thousand years. I'm gonna take that down cause it's pointless to leave it up if it isn't finished, k? k! So, hope ya enjoy the story, and I'll talk to you all later! Adios! Love, Jessica

"People let me tell ya I work hard every day I get up outta bed I put on my clothes Cause I got bills to pay Now it ain't eas--"
I shut off my alarm and lie half awake/half asleep thinking of the song I had just heard. I swear Aretha must have had me in mind when she wrote this song, "Deeper Love". I work very hard at what I do, and I also have bills to pay. Trouble is I don't have any money to pay them. I have no hot water or electricity-- my alarm clock is battery operated. I climb out of bed wondering if today will be the day. You see, I am working on a way to enter the fourth dimension. I've tried everything from reaching into hidden walls to walking through them. The latter, I must say, only succeeded in giving me a terrible bruise above my eyebrow that has yet to heal. TODAY, I thought, WILL BE DIFFERENT. I AM GOING TO FIND THE WAY TODAY OR I QUIT, AND I'LL GO BACK TO BAGGING GROCERIES AT ACME FORM FIVE BUCKS AN HOUR. I sat down at my desk and thought. Nothing. After eating my lunch I thought again. Still nothing. I was having a major mental block. So, what to do now? Ah! I'll write. That always organized me. I began to write a poem about what I was attempting to do.
THE FOURTH DIMENSION How is something so invisible So questionable So inconceivable So visible unquestionable and conceivable For me? What determines its existence? We have one- two- and three-dimensions Why not a fourth-dimension? The brick wall That keeps me from crossing Must be broken down somehow Some way But how?
I put my pencil down and say with my head in my hands. Suddenly, the floor began to vibrate underneath me. I knelt down and put my ear to the floor to find where it was coming from when I was quickly forced down a tiny sliver in the floow. It was as though I had flattened out completely in order to fit through it. I was free falling for quite some time before I landed. I looked around and had no ideea where I was. I felt strange. I outstretched my arms and took a look at them. They weren't in their traditional 3-D fashion. Then I recognized it. The fourth dimension! I had finally made it! Yes! I was ecstatic! In the midst of my joy and excitement, I got the sensation that I was not alone. I looked up only to find three little men standing there. They looked about three and a half feet tall and all had the same orange eyes and thin, pursed lips. Their noses were simply holes in the middle of their faces. The only difference among them was the color of their skin. One was black, the other purple, and the last a leopard-type pattern. HOW ODD, I thought. All of a sudden, they began asking me questions. Hundreds of them, one after another. WHERE DO YOU LIVE? HOW OLD ARE YOU? WHAT IS YOUR NAME? HOW IS IT IN THE THRID DIMENSION? WHAT COLOR IS THE SKY? WHAT TECHNOLOGY DO THEY HAVE THERE? HAVE THE ALIENS LANDED YET? HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE MOON? All simple question, but my coordination had left me and I couldn't seem to get the words to my mouth. Then... it stopped. In the blink of an eye, the questions were gone. Almost as if someone had flipped a switch and stole their voiced as quickly as the dark comes with a light switch. They looked at me. The purple man opened his mouth and said, "What is more important to you--your hands or your feel?" I contemplated the question. WELL, I NEED TO WALK, BUT HOW WOULD I SURVIVE WITHOUT MY HANDS? "My hands, of course. I couldn't live without them." "Good....", they all said in an incredible spooky manner. The little men then proceeded to attack me and throw me into a white hole in this strange world. I suppose I was unconscious when I got back because it was the next morning when I finally came to. When I sat up and was able to put together a coherent sentence in my head, I sat at my desk and began to finish my poem:
I did it My mind Stronger than the brick wall Has been broken hown I have finally passed A fourth dimension Written on paper? Impossible Too extradordinary In my mind? The only way to truly preserve the memory Want to find it for yourself? Write what you feeel It's amazing what can happen If you believe The consequences, however May be extravagant So beware Of the fourth dimension
I put my sock back on and walked to my bed. I took the batteries out of my clock knowing that I wouldn't have to wake up early the next morning. It's a good thing too. I don't know how well I'd be at bagging... no hands really complicates thing, don't you think? Maybe those little men need an assistant. I could help with the guillotene. I have been through it, and you could have guessed, and I know how those things work. Besides, sharpending them is really fun. The sparks that come off the machine are incredible. And I could definately get more than five bucks an hour.

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