
Can you hate?
I can hate.
I hate hating, but I do it anyway.
So many kinds of hate...
Jealous Hate
Righteous Hate
Love Hate
Blind Hate
Which do you feel?
Which is felt about you?
Does it hurt?
Which hurts more, hating or being hated?
Can't you see that one leads to the other?
You hate me so I hate you so you hate me more.
The vicious circle never ends...
The circle of hate.
They don't do songs about that one, do they?
The circle of life sure, but hate?
We don't care to acknowledge it do we,
The dark underbelly of the human heart?
We'd rather just not talk about it at all, I suppose.
And the funny thing?
The funny thing is that hiding it gives it more power.
It's hilarious really.
Hee hee ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha heh heh ... heh ... *cough*

I hate hate.

By Jacob James April14-2000

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