I Do Try

Times have been hard
Hard to get through
So much stress in school
So much pain at heart
I try to make myself
Forget my hurt
And be so happy
I do try

Things have mystified me
To the extent of confusion
So much trust betrayed
So much anger misplaced
I try to get beyond it all
Forget my trust
And be so happy
I do try

It's not as easy as it used to be
I used to wonder why
Teenage years were called
The toughest years
Now I know
And I don't want to be
A teenager anymore
I want to grow up
And be mature
I want to shrink down
And use crayons again
I just don't want to 
Be my age

Years have been lived
In so much turmoil
So much grief in mind
So much sadness in my eyes
I try to wipe the tears
Forget my strife
And be so happy
I do try

Sometimes it just doesn't work

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