
What happened to the girl I used to know
The sweet, happy person I grew to love
She's changed to something else
What path have you chosen?
Cuz I'll run down it and pull you away
From the demons that stand
At the end of that no way street

All I see is your reflection
Off the mirror
I'm gonna break the glass
Cuz I need to see who you see

What happened to the precious ornament
The clear glass doll I had to hide behind
To keep me from evil
Has it always been you?
So you're the evil that's haunting my life
Well, I don't need you now
I know how to protect myself

All I see is your reflection
Off the mirror
I'm gonna break the glass
Cuz I need to see who you see

If you'd just show me yourself
And not that mirror
I would understand so much more
I would see the real you
Not the one you want me to see
I don't expect 
That you'll be perfect
We all have flaws
Because that's how we are

I wouldn't expect anything else


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