"One" or "Her"

This poem is kind of hard to understand so here is a brief 
explanation:  "One" is one girl and "Her" is another girl.  This poem 
is made up of pieces of other poems I have written, but it turns out
just how I wanted it to.  

Who do I love?
I loved "one", and I tried to be loved by "one"
But now I am not so sure I love that "one"
I sought "one" and found "her"
Knowing "her" has been meaningful, a joy to behold, a dream to hang 
    on to, a reality longing to be lived.
I don't know what I am feeling way down deep inside
Mixed emotions are running through my head
But I think I am in love with "her"
And I don't want to hurt a certain "one's" feelings 
Who is it, who was meant for me?
I have feelings for "her", but "her" heart is already taken by another
Now I have a lonely heart which whispers into the night to "her"...
What are you doing right now as I gaze at the stars...?
What are you thinking right now as I feel the evening breeze on my
What do you long for as I sit here and long for you...?
And now I wish...
...That you would be here with me, instead of him, on this loneliest 
   of nights...
That you would somehow know how much I love you...
...and love me in return
Now I know that my feelings for the "one" I used to hold dear to my
   heart, have switched to "her"
But what do I do???

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