Please Do Not Cry

I am still here
I never died.
My memories are near, 
please don't live in fear.
I am with you forever,
all the time.
I am the brightest star
in the sky
The breeze of wind
The truth in the lie
I am the one Flower
that's different from the rest.
Please don't put my sadness
to the test.
Forever I'm here
have no fear
though I may not appear
My body may be gone,
but my soul is here to stay
I'm with you in your dreams
day by day.
Everywhere you go
every smile I see
I know you are there,
thinking about me.
Thinking of the day,
when I went away
the pain I saw
in your eyes
the heartbreak I heard 
in your cried
Don't think of my memory and weep 
I am stil here
I do not sleep	 

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