What Am I Supposed To Do?

Heaven forgive me for what I am about to write
I have to write from my heart...
This will probably cost me a friend
But right now my feelings are stronger than this friendship
And I don't care what people think
Not even you...

Your attitude has caused many friendships to die
It has a serious disease
I don't know why I'm holding on...
You're not helping me, you know
How is this supposed to get bettr
With no medication?
We each have to hold on to each other
How else will we survive?

You can be a real hypocrite sometimes
But of course you don't realize it
Everything you say is supposedly right
And when you're wrong you don't even care
You shrug it off as if I'm a liar
Friendships can't be this way
So why is ours so awful?
I won't be your friend when it's convenient for you
It's not fair at all
If you continue to treat me this way
You'll surely kill me

I feel like I'm slipping away
Is this friendship dying?
I don't know how to make it better
I can't do it alone
What am I supposed to do?
Please help me
I don't know what to do

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