One Of These Days

all of our dreams
will come true
one of these days it値l all be O.K.
me and you
together forever
gazing into your eyes
you know I知 yours 
yours forever
flying in my mind
soaring through the air
after the evening has closed
you池e still in my heart
still on my mind
things I remember
things I forget
closing my eyes
feeling you with me
tasting your lips
I miss your love
if you would not endure
nor would I
for you are part of me
if you do not exist
I am no more
forces against our love
forces I知 certain to overcome
seeing you gives me hope to carry on
knowing you love me
all of our dreams
will come true
one of these days it値l all be O.K.
me and you
together forever
To:  Ashley my one true love.
It値l be here soon.

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