Not This Time

The last time this happened
I thought it was all my fault
I didn't know what was going on at the time
But this time it's all gotta stop
Because I know and I'm in control this time

I'm not going to be the one to quiver in the corner
While you tear false accusations
I won't sit with tears in my eyes
And say I'm sorry for things I didn't cause
I'm not taking the blame for your problems
Not this time

It happened again
You know how everything will occur
You'll yell at me for causing your pain
And then I'll crawl and say I'm sorry
No way
Not this time


Didn't you understand the first time around?
A guy isn't supposed to come between good friends
Good friends, well, that never happened, did it?
And you know what?
I don't care anymore
No more waiting around for you to call and talk
No more wanting to apologize
Because it's not my fault
Not this time


It's not my fault
Not this time


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You are awesome person number to read this poem! yay!