Who's Am I?

Who's little hands are these, 
Staring back at me?
Who owns the fingerprints,
On the tip of each finger?
Who's blond hair is this,
That I can run these fingers through?
Who's bright blue eyes are these,
Taking in all the world?
Who's pretty smile is this,
That brightens up the day?
Who's little nose is this,
Smelling the aroma of the world?
Who's little feet are these,
That long to walk the earth?
Who's long legs are these,
That will someday jump and run?
Who's soft hearbeat is this,
That I can barely hear?
Who is gently breathing,
And growing stronger every breath?
Who's is this little girl,
Small but getting big?
Am I mine?
Am I yours?
Who am I?
And for goodness sake,
Who's am I?

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