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Carl Eduard Schubert and Christiane (Lockstedt) Schubert Family
Genealogical Report
on the Lockstedt and Schubert Families
by Wilton
E. Schubert
Grandson of Eduard Schubert and Christiane
Edited and Revised by Marvin Schubert
It seems that:
While we are young, we judge ourselves solely In fantasy. We do not even have a mirror-image to judge by, and we deem our parents too superior for comparison. Therefore, some of us evaluate ourselves too lowly, others too highly.
When we are old and have seen the proof of what we were, then we rate ourselves much more accurately.
But, when we have "walked" through the genealogy that reveals the norm that our ancestors have established, then we can measure ourselves by our potential, by our dreams, and by our performance; at that time, we can know how we ran the race of life.
This knowledge is gratifying. It is good to know that we made the team.
Our early ancestors were German. They left Germany to come to Texas--specifically Texas. No other foreign land seems to have been considered. (approximately 725,000 Germans immigrated to the United States between 1850 and 1855) Sometimes, I try to ascribe a reason to their determination to emigrate from Germany and, more particularly, to their steadfast desire to come to Texas. I have not yet found a tangible reason. The physical discomfort, the political uncertainties, the falling economy, and the religious climate must have all weighed heavily in their decision, yet, we have all experienced similar problems without traveling up to three months to escape our problems. There seems to have been a greater force at work. I cannot shrug off the not-so-remote parallel of their emigration and that of Abraham in Genesis12:1.
While we cousins were
still in the loins of our ancestors (as The Bible calls it), the
Lord seems to have said to them, both for their sakes and for ours,
"Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from
thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:" just
as he had directed Abraham.
I do not hereby suggest that my ancestors had a religious experience to direct them, necessarily; God did not grasp them by the arm and lead them nor direct them to Texas. He has ways that are not so apparent.
The Lord drew Jacob out of Canaan by causing a famine (Genesis 41:56-57). Then, later, he drew Jacob’s (Israel's) children out of Egypt by having the Egyptians afflict them (Exodus 3:17). When our lives become sufficiently unpleasant, humans are readily encouraged to go elsewhere.
In Germany, the many small states were ruled separately by noblemen. These states were frequently at war with each other; the citizens lost many of their freedoms; the introduction of machines drove many hand-craft workers out of work; jobs became scarce; there was not enough land for farming and the small amount available was, by custom, passed on to the oldest son (the younger children had no land rights); church groups were fighting each other through religious persecutions and even war; and government leaders (the noblemen)began to fear that their subjects, by reason of the poverty, the religious instability, and the loss of some of the freedoms that they had enjoyed, might revolt.
The noblemen solved their problem by organizing The Society for the Protection of German Immigrants to Texas at Biebrich, Germany, on April 20, 1842. It was more commonly called "Adelsverein" or just "Verein". 1 With the meager capital of $80,000, they promised a veritable paradise in Texas to any Germans who would agree to emigrate there. The groundwork for this had been laid by men like Friedrich Ernst, who had obtained a land grant on the promise of bringing German immigrants to a small area near Industry, Texas, In Austin County, between- Brenham and Columbus. His accounts of the paradise In Texas were so favorably received in Germany that they were published in the newspapers there. The first immigrants arrived in Galveston in December 1844 and settled the New Braunfels site in March 1845. By 1850 the settlement had become the fourth largest town in Texas. During its most active years, the Adelsverein was responsible for the settlement of thousands of new residents in Texas, the establishment of new towns and communities, and the fostering of one of the most important and well-defined ethnic communities in the southwestern United States. From the beginning, however, problems of distance and finance plagued the venture. The Adelsverein entered provisional bankruptcy in 1847 but continued to function into the next decade.
The Lockstedt Family is a dilemma for me in presenting a time-frame for their arrival. Christiane Lockstedt came to Texas on December 18, 1853, and became our grandmother; but to start at the beginning, I need to tell about her grandfather's arrival.
Friedrich Lockstedt with his wife, Wilhelmine (Jager) Lockstedt, and their daughter Louise Lockstedt came from Bremen, Germany, aboard the ship Eliza Charlotte to Galveston, Texas, arriving there on October 13, 1846.
It seems that they proceeded to Indianola and then to New Braunfels in the manner adopted by the German immigrants of that period.
Thus, the first contingent of this family to arrive in Texas consisted of:
Friedrich Lockstedt, born 1798, at Holzminden an der Weser, Brunswick, Germany, married Wilhelmine Jager, born 1800, in Holzminden, also.
They brought with them Louise Lockstedt, born ____ ,1830, at Holzminden, married Christian Drubert on June 19, 1850, in Comal County, Texas.
This immigration had been arranged, originally, on May 4, 1846, by their sponsor, L. Mittendorf, and provided that their son, Heinrich Lockstedt, should also accompany them on this voyage. This did not came to pass. Heinrich Lockstedt's daughter Wilhelmine was born that year and it would have been too arduous a journey for an infant to take and he did not want to leave his family. After two more births, he was able to synchronize a sailing time with a mid-pregnancy and they sailed with the seventh passenger to be delivered at sea.
So it happened that Heinrich Fredrich Conrad Lockstedt and his wife, Christiane Johanne Sophie Mahlmann Lockstedt, and their four children came from Bremen, Germany, on the ship Texas to arrive at Galveston, Texas, on December 18, 1853, with five children.
This second group of Lockstedts then was finally composed of:
Heinrich Lockstedt, born November 14, 1821, at Holzminden an der Weser, Brunswick, Germany, married Christiane Mahlmann, born January 2, 1816, at Holzminden, also. [In 1876, Heinrich married Catharina Schriever as his second wife.]
Caroline Lockstedt, born January 14, 1843, at Holzminden, married Heinrich Gold on August 28, 1860.
Wilhelmine Lockstedt, born September 26, 1845, at Holzminden, married Ferdinand Beicker on November 10, 1861. (Wilhelmine is buried in the Hortontown Cemetery, NE section )
Christiane Lockstedt, born September 4, 1847 at Horzminden, married Eduard Schubert on February 12, 1865. Eduard and Christiane are buried in the Lone Oak Cemetery outside of Geronimo, Texas.
Johanne Lockstedt , born 1851, at Holzminden, married Heinrich Salge on May 3, 1868.
Louise Lockstedt, born 1853, in Texas (actually aboard ship), married Wilhelm Giesecke on June 5, 1871.
Heinrich Lockstedt, born in 1857, in Texas, married Minna Jahns on December 17, 1881.
Friedrich Lockstedt, born May, 1860, in Texas, married Alwine Boenig on January 2, 1886.
Heinrich Lockstedt built a home in New Braunfels in 1858 pictured below
Heinrich built a home in 1858 off Alves Ln in New
Braunfels. It was located on 20 acres at the time it was moved to
the New
Braunfels Heritage Village at 1370 Church
Hill Drive, New Braunfels, TX. 78130. As to how large the
original property was at the time he lived there I am unclear.
The home is now preserved for future generations to see what a
early German home looked like as well as a proud reflection on
our heritage.
Of those listed above, Christiane (Lockstedt) Schubert became our grandmother. She bore twelve children, all alive, and all outlived her. The twelve consisted of eight sons and four daughters. All of them married, all had children except Minna, and all lived to a ripe age of sixty eight to ninety six. She spent her last years in the home of Minna Kirmse, her sixth child, and died there May 7, 1930, at the age of eighty two. Seven of her children lived to a greater age than she did.
Her household consisted
Christiane (Lockstedt) Schubert and her husband Eduard Schubert from Hoxter, Nord Rhein-Westfaten, Germany.
Albert Schubert, born July 14, 1866, married Minna Enqelke.
Ernst Schubert, born February 7, 1868, married Emma Behrendt on January 25, 1896.
Carl (Charlie) Schubert, born August 31, 1870, married Bertha Hummel first and, after her death, he married Alma Emma Merz.
Mary Schubert, born March 10, 1873, married William Derham first, then, after his death, she married Oliver Scott, and, after his death, she married Jim Oliver.
Edward Schubert, born May 26, 1874, married Emilie Loep.
Minna Schubert, born February 3, 1876, married Adolph Kirmse after the death of his first wife, Minna Kloepper,
August Schubert, born January ____, 1878, married Ida Merz.
Emma Christiane Schubert, born March 3, 1880, married Friedrich (Fritz) Merz.
Otto Schubert, born November 19, 1881, married Adele Marie Merz on November 22, 1902, first. Then, after her death, he married Emma Beyer.
Willle Schubert, born September 13, 1884, married Olga Heinemeyer first; after her death, he married Charlotte (Lottie) Thormeyer on May 27, 1914.
Henry Schubert, born May 24, 1886, married Anna Beyer.
Lina Schubert, born in Guadalupe Co. Texas on May 24,1888 married Robert (Bob) Dolle.
Our line of descent in the Lockstedt family, then, is as follows:
Friedrich Lockstedt married Wilhelmine
Born ____, 1798 - ____, 1800
Where Holzminden, Germany Holzminden, Germany
Married October 11, 1821
Where Holzminden, Germany
Where Comal Co., Texas - Comal Co., Texas
Heinrich Lockstedt married Johanna
Sophie Christiane Mahlmann
Born November 14, 1821 - January 2, 1816
Where Holzminden, Germany - Holzminden, Germany
Married - June 27, 1847
Where Holzminden, Germany or Amlungsborn , B , Germany
Died May 20, 1881 - May 5, 1874
Where Neighborsville, Texas - Neighborsville, Texas
Christiane Lockstedt
married Carl Eduard Schubert
Born September 14, 1847 - June 21, 1836
Where Holzminden, Germany - Hoxter, Germany
Married February 12, 1865
Where St. Martin's Church, Hortontown, Texas
Died May 7, 1930 - February 12, 1923
Where New Braunfels, Texas - Geronimo, Texas
Burial Lone Oak Cemetery , Geronimo, Texas
While my great grandfather, Carl Wilhelm Schubert, was still living, he sent my grandfather, Carl Eduard (he used the name Eduard) Schubert to a shoemaking school where he served as an apprentice. In a very short time he was able to make his benchmark presentation to show that he had perfected the art of making shoes. It was told that he was the first In his class. Reportedly, Grandpa was the first to complete his masterpiece, a pair of shoes of a quality good enough to qualify him to be a master (or teacher of apprentices) in his own right.. At about that time, his father died. As the oldest son (primogeniture), he inherited all of his father's possessions including his father's land; while his mother and his sisters and his brothers inherited nothing. This was the custom at this time in Germany. Grandpa returned home to be head of the house.
Further, at about that time, the local Catholic priests began to point out to his mother what a wonderful priest Grandpa would make and that there just happened to be an opening in the seminary for Grandpa's preparation. The family was Catholic and so Grandpa was sent to seminary. Priests took a vow of poverty, so, in contemplation of Grandpa's acceptance into the priesthood and his upcoming divestiture of property to fulfill the vow of poverty, the priests began to explain to his widowed mother how the Church accepts the farm and then provides the family's needs from Church funds.
Meanwhile, Grandpa was being as fast a learner as usual and learned of the woes of family after family which had allowed the Church to take its property and to depend on it for its everyday needs. During his next visit home, he told his mother what he had discovered.
Quickly, great grandma, Maria (Spieker) Schubert, sold the property secretly, sewed the coins into her garments, gathered her two sons, and secretly escaped to Texas. ["Secretly" is not an exaggeration; in 1856, she married Frederick Schulze and used Maria Spieke as her name instead of Schubert. This seems to be an attempt to hide her true identity from someone. I cannot be sure but It seems that she still believed that she was hiding from the Church. I cannot forget that during those times, the Catholic Church could make and break kings.
None of this was considered "make believe" by Grandpa nor by our father. To me, it appears that God was merely saying, "Eduard, come away from here to a new land that I want to show you.' And, do not suppose that I am condemning the Catholic Church. At first, all believers in God were Jews; God took the Christians out and led them to Europe; He had much work there for them. Their part in getting Grandpa to Texas seems to have been an important part in God's work. But, that is enough preaching for the moment.
Great grandma, Maria (Spieker) Schubert and her two sons, Eduard Schubert and Gustav Schubert, arrived at Galveston on the ship Franziska in 1854. From there, they went to Indianola on a smaller ship. ( note, there is evidence to suggest that Eduard came over a year earlier than his mother and brother. There, they met the Heinrich Lockstedt family which included the six-year-old girl who seems to have been destined to become Eduard's wife eleven years late and eventually, our grandmother. (These old movie reruns are much easier to understand than they were when they first came out. I would never have guessed that that little girl would be our grandma if I had been there, then.)
It seems that the Lockstedts were waiting for the weather to warm up and for ox carts to become available. Reportedly, these two families shared an ox cart for their possessions and the people walked along beside them all the way to New Braunfels. The weather must have been suitable; they reported no serious illnesses. Fortunately, as they tired , they could lay their hands on the oxcarts for some relief as they made the arduous journey.
The trip from Indianola was the
route that that many early German Settlers took on their way to
New Braunfels. It is a natural route that follows the Guadalupe
River from its spring fed waters in the Hill Country of Central
Texas to Matagorda Bay, where Indianola
is located. Traveling the rutted pathways of Central Texas in the
Mid 1800s was a slow grueling process. Following the river from
the coast would have avoided many of the problems in crossing
other major rivers in Texas and provided the settlers with water
and some limited food supplies as they made their way up river.
Following the the river would have taken them from Indianola to
present day Victoria , Cuero, Gonzales , Seguin , and then New
The Lockstedts seem to have located in Guadalupe County just southeast of Freiheit. The Schuberts appear to have settled in New Braunfels and I believe that Eduard worked as a shoemaker as the census indicates.
In the 1860's, Eduard enlisted in the Comal Horse Guard in the Neighborsville community near New Braunfels. Reports indicate that he also drove supply wagons during the Civil War. The Confederate Forces were pretty much in control this area.
Eduard Schubert married Christiane Lockstedt February 12, 1865, in St. Martin's Church in Hortontown. That church stands in its cemetery just north of New Braunfels, even now, on Loop 337. The back of the church building (northwest outside corner) provides a very good display of Fachwerk construction so common in early New Braunfels.
Eduard's mother, Marie, quickly settled in New Braunfels and used her money sparingly to support herself.
Grandpa, Eduard, as we will refer to him, worked at many jobs to feed and clothe himself and to save money to buy his future farm in Geronimo. ( Geronimo is South East of New Braunfels and North west of Seguin )
Eduard engaged in farming near New Braunfels and gravitated more and more toward Seguin. He established his homestead farm south of the Lone Oak Cemetery west of Geronimo. That farm is bounded on three sides by Huber Road to the east, Link Road to the south, and the road to Barbarosa by way of Lone Oak cemetery (107A Barbarosa) as the west boundary. ( Note) The two story residence/farm house still sits In the middle of the farm facing South East. Its is also noted that the prevailing winds general blow from the South East in that part of Texas and the positioning of the house as such would have allowed the home and it's inhabitants to benefit from this arrangement, especially in the hot summers that Texas is so notorious for. There are still stands of Oak trees to the east of the home and was occupied as of 1997 by descendants of the Schubert family.
Shoemaking continued to be a part of Eduard's life to the end. He carried all of his cobbling equipment and supplies in a large chest when he was away from home. At home, he kept his cobbler's bench and tools and supplies ready for action in the kitchen dining area. [that is the room just beyond the entrance porch in the home] .
Although I was not quite 8 years on when Grandpa died, I can still remember seeing his cobbling equipment; it was all hand made, of course. For example, his very sharp knives were cut and shaped from steel bands, slightly curved, as segments of large clock springs would be and then honed to a shaving edge; his sewing needles were not of steel, they were carefully selected hog bristles; his awl looked like a deformed, handmade ice pick and was used to punch holes in the leather through which the hog bristles lead the waxed sewing cord.
His shoes were held together by hand sewing nearly altogether; he used no metal nails, only straight, white wooden pegs in the outer soles and in the heels. He split his own pegs.
His customers usually came to him. He would trace the outline of both feet on paper to shape the shoes by. His shoes fit like well made dress gloves, so soft, yet so form-holding and so wear resistance. The comfort, the foot support, and the durability of those shoes have no comparison today, other than perhaps Ballet slippers.
But , oh, so much time had to be devoted to his menial , non - professional job - Freighting by Mexican - type Oxcart. This was not, as one might suppose, involve hauling foreign - made goods from seaports to the interior of Texas, but hauling manufactured goods from the places where they were produced in Texas to other locations in Texas. Many of these trips were from Nacogdoches to El Paso, or Eagle Pass and return.
On one of the freighting
trips across the prairie, Grandpa noticed a small band of Indians
sneaking through the tall grass in a route parallel to the
plodding course of the ox carts. They seemed to be waiting to
jump the freighters while they were bedded down for the night. He
quietly signaled for an early stop. The men unyoked the oxen as
usual. But this time, Grandpa soaked a blanket with kerosene,
tied it to the tail of the tamest ox, set the blanket afire, and
slapped the ox into a lope toward the lurking Indians. The ox
made a large sweep through the grass and returned to the carts,
but, as Grandpa had planned, he had set fire to the grass on a
wide front that burned toward the Indians. The Indians quickly
remembered an appointment elsewhere.
On another freighting trip, after the men had been plodding through barely-charted desert for days without seeing anyone but fellow drivers, Grandpa's eyes fell on the large barrels of whiskey on the carts and he had an impish idea. He told his fellow drivers, in a boastful manner, that, after supper, he would produce a quart of top quality whiskey for them to share with him. They, of course, scoffed at his boast and that added zest to his plan. Grandpa relished the attention he was getting. At the right moment and with great showmanship, he pulled an empty quart whiskey bottle from his duffel bag, held it high to show that it was empty, and filled it to the top with water from the water bags. Then, he mounted the cart carrying the large barrels of whiskey. He removed the bung from the belly of a barrel. Most visibly verified that the level of the whiskey was just below the level of the hole, upended the bottle of water through the bunghole, and made the motions usually associated with acts of magic. As his friends watched, the water clearness receded in the bottle as it was being replaced by the golden color of the whiskey from the top. When the bottle had just lost all of Its clear contents, Grandpa pulled the bottle up and quickly righted a full quart of top quality whiskey before their eyes. The after-supper drinks were passed among the delighted freighters.
Grandpa had scored again. It seems that he was aware of the fact that water is heavier than whiskey and that ordinary water and whiskey do not blend. The heavier water flowing out of the bottle caused a vacuum effect that siphoned the lighter whiskey into the bottle.
I hope that you will bear in mind that I can not testify to the absolute truth of the Freighter portion of these folk tales.
Grandpa and Grandma had twelve children -- eight sons and four daughters. Those German farmers knew how to avoid the huge expense of buying slaves to get the farm work done. They must have prospered; the land is still owned by some of their descendants.
Their family shaped up like this:
Eduard Schubert, born June 21, 1836, at Hoxter, Germany, married Christiane Lockstedt, born September 4, 1847, at Holzminden, Germany, February 12, 1865.
Albert Schubert, born July 14, 1866, in Comal Co., Texas, married Minna Engelke.
Ernst Schubert, born February 7, 1868, in Comal Co., Texas, married Emma Behrendt.
Carl (Charlie) Schubert, born in Guadalupe Co., Texas, on August 31, 1870, married Bertha Hummel. After her death, he married Alma Emma Merz.
Mary Schubert, born in Guadalupe Co., Texas, on March 10, 1873, married William Derham; after his death, she married Oliver Scott; and after his death, she married Jim Oliver.
Edward Schubert, born in Guadalupe Co. , Texas , on May 26, 1874 , married Emilie Loep.
Minna Schubert , born in Guadalupe Co. , Texas, on February 3, 1876, married Adolph Kirmse after the death of his first wife, Minna Kloepper.
August Schubert, born In Guadalupe Co., Texas, on January , 1878, married Ida Merz.
Emma Schubert, born in Guadalupe Co., Texas, on March 3, 1880, married Friedrich (Fritz) Merz.
Otto Schubert , born in Guadalupe Co., Texas, on November 19, 188l, married Adele Marie Merz, and after her death, he ,married Emma Beyer.
William (Willle) Schubert, born in Guadalupe Co., Texas, on September 13, 1884, married Olga Heinemeyer first. After her death, he married Charlotte (Lottie) Thormeyer.
Henry Schubert, born in Guadalupe Co., Texas, on May 24, 1886, married Anna Beyer.
Lina Schubert, born in Guadalupe Co., Texas, on February ,1888, married Robert (Bob) Dolle.
Our Schubert ancestors lived long lives. Grandma lived to be eighty two; Grandpa lived to be eighty six ; their children lived to be from sixty eight to ninety six years of age with an average age of eighty four.
Our grandmother, Christiane (Lockstedt) Schubert, that six-year-old girl who waited on the seashore in Indianola for her parents to take her into the strange wilderness of Texas, either had or developed such an equanimity that she seemed to never worry about how things would turn out and she seems to have transmitted that calmness to many of her descendants.
Our grandfather, Eduard Schubert, seems to have had or developed the capability to analyze problems and to find solutions. He transmitted this capability to many of his descendants , but not before he had amply enjoyed the benefits thereof himself. Let me explain:
Many of us who descend from these talented people enjoy the twin blessings of a relatively calm disposition and an inventive turn of mind to call upon both for business and for pleasure.
Thus, our line of descent In the Schubert family is :
Johann Friedrich Schubert, born in Hoxter, Germany, October 9, 1710 (his christening date), married Maria Magdelena Ostmann on April 28, 1739.
Johannes Wilhelm Schubert, born in Hoxter, Germany, January 23, 1746, married Ernestine Rotermund.
Carl Wilhelm Schubert, born in Hoxter, Germany, February 11, 1796, married Johanne Marie Martha Spieker on November 1, 1831. ( follow this link for a more extensive review of our Ancestry Genealogy)
Carl Eduard Schubert, born in Hoxter, Germany, June 21, 1836, married Christiane Lockstedt on February 12, 1865.
"A Genealogical Report, Featuring The
Neuse, Thormeyer, Lockstedt, and Schubert Families" ( Researched and Compiled by Wilton E.
Schubert ) was used as the basis for this
More Pictures of the Family
The following two photo's were laser copies provided by Greg Schubert
The Family with Children , Names provided here or in an outline format
The following Photo's are taken from family photo of August Schubert ( one of the children above)
These were my feeble attempts to clean up the Family Copy I had
Close up of Eduard and Christiane - provides a good close up
Sister , second to the left - also a good close up
Eduard's Civil War Index Card - Eduard , his father in law, Heinrich Lockstedt, and his younger brother Gustav were all part of the Confederacy during the Civil War. Sources indicate, Lina , Eduard's daughter, said that Eduard drove a oxen supply wagon between Galveston and New Braunfels.
Officers/Enlisted Men from Comal Co., Texas who Served in the Confederate Forces
Year | Official | GTA | % in GTA |
1850 | 65,895 | 54,490 | 82.69 |
1851 | 72,486 | 40,496 | 55.87 |
1852 | 158,072 | 149,216 | 94.40 |
1853 | 141,928 | 131,727 | 92.81 |
1854 | 214,703 | 196,221 | 91.39 |
1855 | 71,918 | 56,436 | 78.47 |
TOTAL | 725,002 | 628,586 | 86.70 |
If you have comments or suggestions email me at
Surnames of Marvin Schubert
Number of Visitors since 09/30/10
Date this page was last edited 09/30/10