You must have a java-enabled browser to view calendar. Java applet takes a bit longer
to load than you might expect. Give it time. More information at bottom of this page... 

Anyone may add information to this calendar. Just pull up the month you want, click on the day, and you will see a new window for adding info. Click on "Add Event." At this point, you may be asked to enter a username and password. If so, just make them up. It'll work.
Have fun! Feel free to contribute. Perhaps we can get all the school activities for the coming year listed (ballgames, etc....any event pertaining to Jal or of interest to us Jalites.
There's plenty of room. The calendar can accomodate a great deal of material. Everything
you ever wanted to know about Jal (but were afraid to ask...) ALL IN ONE PLACE !   _

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