JAL Location List
Now with email addresses.
This list will be updated regularly. It's great for printing out and keeping handy when you're in the All-Jal Chatroom, 'cause you can see at a glance a person's
class-year, present location, email address, married last-name, and if their spouse
is also a Jalite. It cuts down on the chatroom time spent asking basic questions.
For more detailed information, refer to the JHS Address Book pages.

"NOT" Indicates that this e-mail address is, for some reason, no longer working.

As soon as I can (don't hold your breath) I will begin to re-color (bright blue) the names
of all the people who have signed-up on the new Panther Tracks mailing list from ListBot.
In the meantime everything has been reverted back to black text. ---JP