To my Sailor Venus Website!!

Hi! My name is Jasmin. this is my Sailor Venus

Website! I have created this website dedicated to Sailor Venus. I have mostly Manga pics. I also have some cool links. Enjoy!

crescani.GIF (14966 bytes)  Cool Pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Sailor Venus is the fifth Sailor scout to to join the Sailor scouts. But in England, she met Artemis. Then, she was fighting as Sailor V. Now she joined the Sailor Scouts,and since then, she was called Sailor Venus. Mina who is Sailor Venus is an open hearted person. She is mostly late like Serena and almost as klutsy. (By the way, She is also a pretty good friend to Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mars.)

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Now here's some



Sailor Venus Links

Sailor Venus' Magna Shrine

Sailor Venus' Anime Shrine

Sailor Grub's Reflections

Sailor Venus Image wpe1.jpg (3423 bytes)Gallery (Anime)

Moon Power

Brockway's Sailor Venus pics

Mamo Chan's Sailor Moon Website

Oh yeah, um, almost forgot, here are a few sound clips and some more sounds of:

Sailor Moon,Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Venus. (Maybe other sounds)

Hi! if you're wondering who did this webpage, you can e-mail me and I'll tell you. maybe I'll tell you some things about me. If you want to take any Manga pics please e-mail me. Link to my page if you want. (Just tell them where you got the pics. ^_^) 


If you have a comment about my webpage, if you just have a question, or if you just want to chat, e-mail me at:


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