This week's Tea Vree Programs.


[5:00 A.M.]


~Dr. Jasoom instructional: Dr. Jasoom & guest host Buc Rogers demonstrates 1,001 uses of paper machete; included: segment on building paper machete hull breachers.


~Lucy & Ethel have another falling out over little Smickey's bawling, while Mrs. Trumble, nerves shot, nukes the apartment from orbit saying.."It's the only way to be sure!!"

[Ch:4]_X FILES

~Fox & Scully drive all over D.C. on a UFO tip, while Gort & Clatu breaks into the F.B.I. building, writing graffiti everywhere saying "Believe!!"


~Guest Star Bill Clinton in the chilling episode 'Little Rock Hotel'.


~Kess is the plantiff. The accused: Seven of Nine. Complaint: Trying to assimilate the Voyager's on-board candy bar supplies. Secondary charges: Carrying two lethal weapons without a permit.


~The ins and outs of Spoo.

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[9:00 A.M.]


~On the slopes today, it's live coverage of the women's downhill. Vulcan's Sonja Spock and the Borg's Seven of Spandex are again the top contenders. Earth's Susan Ivanova has geared her comeback from a salary dispute, to this race. In figure skating, the Gorn's Amphibia Lewdalena, is favored in ice skating, which begins with compulsories. Speedskater Mira Furlan is Minbar's hopeful in the women's 500m event. And the Borg has it's best shot ever to win a medal in luge doubles, boasting Galaxy`Cup leader Seven of Nine.

[1:00 P.M.]


~Men's figure skating competition opens today with the short program. Galaxy Champ Dr. Smith of Earth is expected to battle Klingon champ Worf. The Green Drazi take on the galaxy again in skiing's super giant slalom, with Starbuck representing the Galactica fleet in men's speedskating. Babylon 5's Dr. Stephen Franklin faces the mighty Lorien in the 1500m race. And in snowboarding's halfpipe, the Shadows are expected to exhibit medal-worthy derring do. Late tonight, it's live coverage of the Federation's ice hockey "Dream Team" of GHL stars, led by Jake 'The Voyeur' Cisco and Wessley 'Toejam' Crusher, vs "The Rangers", which features the GHL's Jason 'Killer' Carter and Michael 'Crusher' Garibaldi.

[5:00 P.M.]


~Guest Panelists: H.R.Clinton, ZaZu Pits, P.M. Tony Blair, & Alfred Bester dicuss the legality of Ken Starr's latest supena served to President Clark.


~Little Hoss finds that he is a character in a holo program aboard the Enterprise when data's head shows up in his saddlebag.


~Laura Ingells has a fight with a Vorlon bully at recess.


~What date will Sheridan pick behind the curtain? Contestant no. (1) Anna Sheridan, Contestant no. (2) Cap'n Lochley, Contestant no. (3) Delenn, or Contestant no. (4) Lady Ladira ?


~The life and times of the Chig Imperial leader.


~The latest dirt behind the Bester/Byron feud.

Channels and Networks reserve the right to make last minute changes.

[9:00 P.M.]


~Witchie Poo zaps Zak for refusing her entry into B-5, while back home the Mayor hosts a 'Trek' convention.


~The 'Sliders' are trapped in an Earth parallel world in which Ronald McDonald is President of the U.S. The Professor is stuck in the dimensional portal blocking our heroes from access to the next Earth parallel.

[Ch:4]_FRIDAY THE 13TH, PART 800

~Jason on Deep Space 9, The begining of the end of the begining. Odo's lament.


~Master of ceremonies: Billy Mummy. Feuding guests: Byron & the teeps VS Zak & the mundanes.


~Tonight's spotlight topic: The trade imbalance. Romulas/Earth. A prescription for disaster.


~Marriage infedelity case involving a Vorlon and Shadow; Morals charge against Data, charged with propositioning a bank telling machine.

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