Out of the ashes of everybody's favorite ska/punks Operation Ivy comes the East Bay's best punk foursome Rancid. If you haven't seen Rancid yet, get on the fuckin' trolley. No matter what the crusties in the gutter say, these guys are the real deal. Just because they have money doesn't mean they have forgotten where they come from. Just ask anyone who knows them. Most of these photos were taken during their surprise show at The Middle East with the Pietasters and the Bruisers. If all goes well we will see more of these pictures in the pages of the second issue of RUDE International Magazine. Check out our home page: http://www.rudeinternational.com

Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman
Lars Fredericksen and Tim
Lars and Tim in a beautiful duet
Tim's a'grinnin'
Odd stare from the man with the pink guitar
Matt Freeman solo mission
Lars -- the human canvas
Tim adjusts the mic
Tim rips out the chords