Mews Efurryone! I'm Smokey Amber and I'm in this kewl guild for Fuzzy Kitties called The Fuzzy Kitties Association . It's just fuzzy kitties who's meowmie is ofur-purrtective of mew. I've got lots of new friends and we are always doing something fun. If mew're a fuzzy cat, mew should check it out!
There once was kitty named Wuzzy.
He was really fuzzy.
He got mats in his hair,
but his meowmie took care.
His meowmie was ofur-protective of
him wouldn't let him fall in love.
He decided to go on strike ,
And also to crash his meowmies new bike.
She started to get mad at him,
And chased him up a limb.
And his meowmie give him a buzz and now Wuzzy,
Wasn't fuzy
I made it to leful one!

Cats are purrfect , cats are sweet,
Cats like to play wif mewr feet!
Cats rule , dogs drool,
in fact the cats joined a club called Ailurophilia which is cool!
Cats are smart, cats are neat,
which is something dogs can nefur beat!
I made it leful two whopee!

I also made it to leful 3!