And I Thank....

My parents for taking care of me and my sisters. ohhh, I think I'm gonna cry)

My sister, Aylene, for all her help. No one would ever have admitted how much my first attempts at making a site sucked.

My other sister for not messing up the computer and putting a smile on my face everyday.

My friends, Persis, Maritza, and Steph, for all the memories and for telling me that JC is cute. hahaha.

My other wonderful friends,Jane, Gina, Shea, Gerry, and Becca. You guys are the bomb! Spanish rocks. No es asunto tuyo!

All the crazy girls in school, y' all are dope. Ain't no one can take us down.

Melanie and Madeline for lending me their pics for the page. Thanks sooo much.

Penny, I hope you know how much I care. I'd love to meet you someday.

JC are incredible. Your voice gives me chills. I feel like I've known you all my life.

The rest of N Sync.... Justin, Joey, Chris, and Lance, you guys rule. Keep making all those songs that make me wanna dance. Party over here in Cali next time.

Last but not least, God, for creating all these peeps to be in my world. WWJD

Alright, I'm done... you can run along and finish what you started