Programs in Combined Professional Psychology Updated and links tested 7/5/06

What is combined professional psychology? These programs are somewhat unique in that instead of focusing narrowly on one aspect of professional psychology (ie. School, Clinical and Counseling Psychology) they combine training in two or all of the specialties. The programs may vary somewhat in their focus, however they are all good for people like me who have trouble deciding between the type of training program or who may want to work in a larger variety of settings. These programs are quite natural since the three areas of professional psychology are so closely related anyhow.

APA Accredited Programs

James Madison University PsyD in Clinical, School and Counseling Psychology
I'm pretty sure this program still requires the applicant to already have an MA and experience in School, Clinical or Counseling Psychology.

Hofstra University Ph.D. program in Clinical and School Psychology

University of Pennsylvania
Their Ph.D. program in School, Community and Clinical Child Psychology is currently in "Accredited, inactive" status and they are not taking applications. I have no further information- hopefully they are redesigning their program or it is in some other temporary status and they are not discontinuing the program. The link above is to the "degrees and programs" section of the UPenn School of Education. Hopefully if the program's status changes it will show quickly on this webpage.

University of California, Santa Barbara PhD in Counseling/Clinical/School Psychology

The University of Virginia, Curry School of Education Ph.D. in Clinical/School Psychology
This program is not actually accredited in combined professional psychology. It is primarily a Clinical Psychology program and is accredited by the APA as such but it has an optional training program in School Psychology which is accredited by NASP (the National Association of School Psychologists).

Utah State University- Combined Clinical/Counseling/School Psychology Ph.D. program

State University of Buffalo/State University of New York- Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and School Psychology

Florida State University- Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and School Psychology

Northeastern University- Ph.D. Combined School and Counseling Psychology

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education- MA and Ph.D. in School and Clinical Child Psychology

Pace University- Psy.D. in School-Clinical Child Psychology

Yeshiva University- Psy.D. Combined School-Clinical

Non-APA Accredited Programs in Combined Professional Psychology

Possibly coming soon. If I include this section it will probably be programs accredited in one or both areas but not accredited in combined psychology (if APA accredited in clinical psychology and accredited by NASP in school psychology it will be included above). This will be for programs accredited by NASP or APA in school psychology but not APA accredited in clinical or counseling but including one or both, or for programs accredited in clinical or counseling and including a non-APA and non-NASP major/concentration/minor/state certification/etc. in school psychology. It is doubtful (but possible) that I may include programs that aren't accredited by NASP or APA in one area of psychology. If I do include totally unaccredited programs I will split this section into two, one for those programs with one accreditation, and one for those with none.

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