It appears likely that there was more than one Johannes Teetzel in the US.
Johannes Teetsell born in Germany in 1760 died at Saugerties, NY after 1797, married Rosina Fiero and was private in Revolutionary War, serving with the 1st Ulster of NY. Johannes Testil is listed with Wynkoop's from Ulster Co., and may be the same gentleman. (AH-237 & 243) Johannis Teitsel was authorized to buy land in New York in 1789. (P) I might have passed this last information by, except that in the same area was an Isaac Van Tile (Twill, Tuile, Zile) who was involved with the Committee of Safety and a sergeant in the Mamakiting unit during the Revolutionary War. It is most likely that our Johannes Teetzel is the maker of a stone marker in Germany Valley, Union Churchyard, Morris Co, NJ which has "Teetzel" carved on the back. (Note: this area was renamed in WW I, Long Valley. (S-49:99:101)) This would match other statements in the family concerning residence in New Jersey.I have been contacted by several people who are interested in him because
of the tombstones he made. Each of them states the the ones he made are
legible long after all the others in the cemetery have worn away.
Here are 3 photos by Paul Hutchinson, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada.
He has kindly given permission for me to post these here.
The distinguish .T. is on the front of the Canadian tombstones
he has found so far.If you are in possession of photos of other tombstones made by John Solomon Teetzel,
please be so kind as to contact him at
to see if he would like copies of your photos. He is also interested
in other unique or unusual early monuments in Niagra cemeteries.
Left is monument for Eva Beamer, right is for Hannah Nelles. (.T. is from the Breamer monument.)
Most of the following information is taken from a statement by John Teetzel, transcribed from a document in the possession of Hiram Teetzel of St Joseph, Michigan, by Manson D. Teetzel on July 6, 1887, or from a letter written by John S. Teetzel's great grandson, James Vernal Teetzel in 1916. The source is shown for information not taken from those two documents. Copies of those two documents are in the author's possession. Born: Feb. 27, 1762 in Coburg, Upper Saxony, Germany Died: Dec. 4, 1836 (both on TS-Palermo) Married first on Nov. 5, 1786 in New Jersey, Rachel von Sill (sometimes shown von Till or van Till). I have only located possible leads for her family. I have found no public record of their marriage. The following are the leads for her family. Jacobus Van Syle/Sile in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey 1773, 1778 and 1780. (W & Y) Abraham Vn Sile in Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey 1778 and 1780. (W) Evert Van Sile/Syle in Bergen County, New Jersey 1778 and 1780. Children: Charles Frederick Teetzel (Sept. 10, 1787, Sussex, NJ-Oct. 19,1856)(TS-Palermo) in 1809 married Mary Tufford (1787, NJ- March 26, 1856, age 67 yrs, 7 mn, 22 days) who had come to Canada about 1800 with her parents. Per the Halton Region Museum (via Mary Webb) he was the oldest of 19 children of above John and Rachel Von Till. She died of consumption. Charles' obituary states that he moved to Trafalgar (township in which Palermo lies) in about 1810, and was moved from his residence in Palermo to Milton for medical care prior to his death, less than 6 months after his wife died. (See separate entry Charles Frederick Teetzel.) Susanna Teetzel (Aug 5, 1789, Sussex, NJ-Dec. 29, 1858) married Feb. 17, 1808 Lawrence "Low" Hager (1784-1870), a Methodist preacher and farmer in Palermo. In 1871 directory there is an Addison Hager listed in Palermo. They are buried at Palermo United Cemetery, Halton, Trafalga Twp. ^I. Charles Hager (oldest) named town of Hagerville. ^?. Lawrence Hager: I presume the Laurence Hager, Sr. who died Jan. 6, 1894 at the age of 81 years, 5 months, and 4 days at his residence in Palermo, Ontario, Canada and whose funeral card was among those kept by members of our family is also their son. Elizabeth "Betsy" Teetzel (June 13, 1791, NJ-Sept. 1, 1864) married Dec. 29, 1808 Matthias Book (1785-1838). In the 1871 directory for Palermo, there is an Absolom Book, farmer. ^I. William Book (died prior to 1916), Grimsby Julia A. Teetzel (1793, Sussex Co, NJ-Feb. 2, 1864) married Oct. 31, 1815 Jacob Street. Family oral tradition says she traveled through the wilderness with only an axe for protection to file the crown deed. (see Street link below) Jonathan Johnson Teetzel (Aug. 22, 1795, NJ-Jan 17, 1873, Southwold) married Jan. 1, 1817, in Grimsby, Mary Lawrence (Nov. 22, 1797, Grimsby-Aug. 23, 1855, Southwold). (See separate entry below) John Teetzel (Sept. 1, 1797) married July 6, 1820 Hannah Havens. They areprobably related to this family from 1871 census: TEETSEL","DAVID"," "," "," ,"45","O", EM", GERMAN", FARMER","003","B","2 23","08","Orford", "TEETZEL","HANNA"," "," ","1","77","O","EM", GERMAN" " ","003","B","2 23","08","Orford", "TEETZL","DOLFIS"," ","1"," ","12","O","EM","IRISH"," ","003","B", "324","08","Orford", "TEETZL","WILLIAM"," ","1","","16","O","EM", "GERMAN" "FARMER","003","B","3 25","08","Orford" Anna Christine Teetzel (Sept. 12, 1799) married Dec. 25, 1816 John Adair. They sold parcel of land in Orford, along Talbot Road, to John H. Eberle in Dec. 1851. Anna signed with a mark. Joseph Street and Jacob Eberle witnessed. (I have copy of the transaction.) There was a John Adair in this area with a least 4 children: Betsy, Charles, George, and Elijah. This may be their family. (children of John Solomon which follow are shown as born at Grimsby) David Called Teetzel (July 25/26, 1802-June 2, 1877): Probably the family listed in the following 1851 Census record from Kent Co, p.26. David is listed as a farmer, born Canada, religion SC, age 48. His wife is listed as Susannah, housewife, born Canada, religion ME, age 46. ^I. John M. Tetzel, farmer, Canada, religion ME, age 25, single. This individual is believed to be the John (age 55 in 1880 census for Saginawin MI) married to Euphemia Zimmerman (age 49). This is the same Euphemia Teetzel (Aug 1831) living in 1900 in St. Clair with her son in law John Henry "Henry J." Zimmermann. Per descendants Robert, Mary, and Bob Webb here is more information on the family. John M. Teetzel was born in Canada Apr 5, 1827, moved to Port Huron in Michigan, died Oct 25, 1897 in Brockway, MI. Euphemia was born Aug. 29, 1831 in Ontario. She was the daughter of either James Dawdy Zimmerman or Henry Zimmerman and Phoebe Ralm. They had six children: a. John Teetzel b. David Teetzel c. Sarah Teetzel d. e. Adaline "Addie" Teetzel (per 1880 census MI, age 11, March 1869) married Charles Tunis. f. Mabel Teetzel (1880 census shows Mary age 6, Dec. 8, 1873, MI-Mar 12, 1906, MI) married the John Henry/Henry John Zimmerman of the 1900 census, who was also her first cousin, the son of her mother's brother. ^II. William, farmer, Canada, religion ME, age 20. In 1871 census believe he is listed as age 41, in Trafalgar TWP. ^III. George, son, same, age 7 (1844) ^IV. Minor, son, same, age 5 (1846)-need to determine if he is the Minor who married Alice and moved to MI. Rachel Teetzel (Dec. 18, 1804 - Jan. 9, 1805, age 1 year) Mary Teetzel (Feb. 21, 1805/06 - Mar. 9, 1835) married Feb. 5, 1823 Joseph Simmons (died 1855). Margaret Teetzel (Nov. 5, 1808) married Joseph Everitt/Evanley/Evenly. Joseph Teetzel (June 12, 1812-June 15, 1856, 44 yrs, 3 days) married March 8, 1842 Sarah Eberle of Orford at the Regular Baptist Church of St. Thomas. "TEETZEL","Joseph","Palmyra","Kent","Orford","OR 4 1971", and Vashti","Palmyra","Kent","Orford","OR 4 1971" ? ^I. James Eberle Teetzel (Mar 8, 1849, Dutton) married Oct, 27, 1874 in Dunwich, Elgin Julia Ann Leich/Leitch. ^i. Edward Eberle Teetzel (Aug. 22, 1876, Dutton)married Elsie Worrel Davis 1905 Arrow Lakes, BC. Sarah Teetzel (June 12, 1812-Jan. 3, 1861, 48 yrs, 6 mns, 21 days) married Jan. 1, 1835 Lockwood Street. Her obituary in the Christian Guardian stated she was born in Niagara District, lived in Palmyra. (Lockwood Street is the brother of Jacob Street who married Sarah's sister Julia.) John Solomon Teetzel married second October 17, 1813, in Grimsby, Lincoln Co., Mary, widow of James Campbell. Children of second wife: son born dead 1813/1814 son (May 18, 1816 - May 20, 1816, 2 days) Hiram Teetzel (Sept. 6, 1817, Grimsby)married Elizabeth Hager. He may have also moved to St. Jospeh, MI. ^I. John Teetzel of Palermo ^II. Charles Teetzel ^III. David Teetzel (July 26, 1802) of Dister, Yarmouth TWP, later moved to Woodstock (1873). His descendants were said in 1916 to live in Los Angeles and be marble dealers. ^IV. Lorenzo H. Teetzel (April 9, 1841, MI-Nov 25, 1910, MO, age 69 yrs, 7 months, 16 days) married Hilda M. Johnson (Mar 7, 1879, Norway-Jan 21, 1967, MN). Her death certificate shows the last name Harris, widow. I assume she remarried. They are both buried Oakland Cemetery, St. Paul, MN. Lorenzo Teetzel (Sept 1/10, 1819 - Dec. 23, 1845) (TS-Palermo) married Deborah Book. Carolina Teetzel (May 29, 1823, Palermo, Halton Co.) Eveline Teetzel (Jan 20, 1825, Hulton-Jan. 27, 1825) TS-Palmero) The statement from which much of this information is taken states that John Teetzel came to North America in 1780, and that the Teetzels moved to Upper Canada in 1800. (This is the same year listed in the Street land petitions.) The obituary of his oldest son Charles also states that the family came to Canada around 1800, adding that they settled near Forty-mile Creek in Grimsby. (C 371) In relating the names of his children, John Solomon Teetzel certified that all his children had been baptized according to the rules of the Church of England, and gave the names of the ministers who performed the last three baptisms, the last two were Methodists. So far I have located public documents listing John S. or John Solomon Teetzel as either a witness to a will or as the individual completing inventory of an estate in Sussex County, New Jersey in Newton, Hardwick, and Knowlton Townships between Feb. 20, 1794 and Jan. 3, 1799. In a letter written in 1916, James Vernal Teetzel, great grandson of John Solomon Teetzel, gives some slight differences from the above. J. S. Teetzel was born in Saxe Cobourg Gotha, Germany. He was being educated for the priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church, but ran away to America, arriving "shortly after the close of the Revolutionary War". He had a knowledge of Greek, as evidenced by writing in an old family Bible printed in German. John Solomon's wife was a Fisher. He was an expert marble cutter placing the initial "T" at the bottom of the stones he cut. (Note: per Paul Hutchinson who is researching monuments in the Niagra area of Canada during this period were made of , not marble.)
Supposedly two sisters with some wealth were said to have been left behind in Germany. John Solomon Teetzel was a secretary of the Masonic Lodge in Grimsby and his "beautiful" handwriting preserved in their records. "Valuable family" records appear to have been entrusted to Hiram Teetzel, apparently of St. Joseph, MI (1887). K-186 states that John S. Teetzel was age 21 when he came to Canada and had "a knowledge of the dead languages and for years was engaged at teaching in New Jersey. In 1802 he moved to Ontario and settled in the county of Morgan (here someone crossed out Morgan and wrote Lincoln), where he became very prominent in Masonry and for years was the secretary of the lodge in that locality. After his second marriage he moved to the County of Halton where he died.
It is located in Gore District,Halton, near where Highway 5 intersects with Highway 25.
Born: Sept. 10, 1787, Sussex, NJ Died: Oct. 19,1856)(TS-Palermo) Married Mary Tufford (1787, NJ-March 26, 1856, age 67 yrs, 7 mn, 22 days) who had come to Canada about 1800 with her parents. Per the Halton Region Museum (via Mary Webb) he was the oldest of 19 children of above John and Rachel Von Till. She died of consumption. Charles' obituary states that he moved to Trafalgar (township in which Palermo lies) in about 1810, and was moved from his residence in Palermo to Milton for medical care prior to his death, less than 6 months after his wife died. Children: Mathias Teetzel (1810-April 26, 1865) married July 4, 1833 Jane Lawrence, the daughter of Richard Lawrence, and granddaughter of John Willson. He was an early resident of Milton, owning many of the lots in "Teetzel Survey". In the 1851 census he is listed as the owner of a steam powered grist mill. In 1856, he purchased land in St. Joseph, MI. ^i. Mary Margaret Teetzel (died March 12, 1850, 18 yrs) (Tombstone Palmero) wife of Joseph Martin. Family oral history says he left her and went to Australia. 1. Sarah Martin (1850) ^ii. ^iii. ^iv. daughter ^v. Charles Washington Teetzel married Zilpha Jane Chadwick. 1. Viola May Teetzel (Dec. 28, 1860, MI-Sept. 17,1940, MI) married 1884 in MI Lewis Melvin Lightner (March 11, 1859, IN-April 10, 1938, MI), son of Rev. Daniel Dudley Lighter and Emeline Elizabeth Burg. All of their children were born on the farm near Hartford, MI. Viola and Lewis are buried in Pioneer Cemetery, Hartford, MI. They purchased that farm in 1886 from the Doty family. 100 years later it was in the hands of the third generation of Lightners. a. Jennie Teetzel Lightner (Aug. 21, 1886) married in LaPorte, IN, Harrison Balfour (1887- 1963) He is buried at North Shore Memory Gardens. An article was written about her on the occasion of her 100th birthday which she celebrated in Watervliet. She was a teacher and then clerked at the A & P store managed by her husband, and although having no children of her own raised her niece Clara Lightner Rosenbaum. b. Daniel Dudley Lightner (1888-1966) married 1924 Cecil Hoover (1892-1966) They are buried Maple Hill Cemetery, Hartford, MI. A. Keith Lightner (1925) married 1847 Florence Heimes (1918). They divorced and he married second Carol Sumwalt. She had been previously married to Delois Burnette. (1) Daniel Keith Lightnermarried 1969 Carol. (2) Mary Sue Lightner (1948-1962) (3) Lyle Henry Lightner married Wendy (4) Joyce Ann Lightner married Dennis Campbell.
(5) James Arthur Lightner (1956) married Debra. c. Gerald Adrian Lightner (1894-1984) married first 1915 in ND, Alice Marie Mohn (1894, PA). He married second 1945, MI, Ruth Eileen Roebuck (1909-1979) A. Clara Maurine Lightner (1918) married 1936 to Gordon Rosenbaum (1917, MI) (1) Gerald Frederick Rosenbaum married first Shelly Jean Taylor, divorced. Gerald married second 1974 Janet Hill Flippo (2) James Frederick Rosenbaum (1939-1958) (3) Lewis Fredercik Rosenbaum married 1965 Marilyn Lousie Holle B. Lewis Mohn Lightner (1921-1941, auto accident,MI) C. Hyla KAY Lightner married 1968 David Gray d. Claribel Lightner (1897) married 1919, WI, Gilbert Howell Jackson (1898-1960). A. Gilbert Howell Jackson, jr. (1920, WI) married first 1940 Helen Nickos, divorced and married second 1958, MI, Betty Allen Garrison (1927). (1) Judith Lee Jackson married Jones, divorced Judith married second Robert McNally Sturtzen who was born in Switzerland. (2) Rodney Lee Jackson married 1974 Lois Dantjie. B. Marcia Lois Jackson married first 1952 in Illinois Bob White, divorced, Marcia married second 1958 in Michigan Warren Bowman, divorced, married third Pat O'Neill. e. Seward Lewis Lightner (1899) married first 1923, WI, Mary Agnes Finley (1898, MI). He married second 1939 IN Mildred Donna Conklin (1915). A. Veronica Jean Lightner (1924, WI) married 1947, MI. Wain Sikkenga (1924-1973). He is buried at Riverside Cemetery, Kalamazoo, MI. B. Seward Finley "Bubs" Lightner (1927) married 1951, MI, Virginia Johnson. C. David Lewis Lightner married first 1966 MI Gretchen Katrina Kiser, divorce, married second Elka, divorced, married third Joy. D. Gary Lewis Lightner married 1976 Suzanne Cottrell Kimmel. f. Hilda Maurine Lightner (1902-1985) married 1933, MI, Jacob "Jack" Rudell (1911-1984, MI) A. Jack Lightner Rudell married 1958, MI, Constance Hill Link. B. Jayne Lou Rudell married Jim Little. g. Charles Robert "Rob" Lightner (1906-1979) married 1927, MI, Harriet McAlister (1909). A. Elsa Ruth Lightner (1927) B. Robert Glenn Lightner (married 1966 Bernice Madison (1944). C. Viola Marie Lightner (1944) married Ed Cummings, divorced ^II. Elizabeth Teetzel (1812-1896) married John Soules (1801- 1881). Presume are couple buried at Palmero United Cemetery. Also buried there is Ester Jane Soules. ^III. Julia Ann Teetzel (May 1815-July 12, 1853, age 38 yrs, 10 months) (TS-Palermo) married Richard L. Johnston of Toronto on Nov. 22, 1836 in Trafalgar. ^IV. John Teetzel (1815-1874) married Hadassa Lawrence(1812-1828) ^V. Charles Teetzel (1828-June 4, 1848, age 20) (TS-Palmero) ^VI. Mary Green Teetzel married Joseph Bell (1814-1887), a blacksmith in Milton. (St. Joseph, MI) ^VII. George Teetzel ^VIII. William Teetzel ^IX. Caroline Teetzel married John M. Terrace. ^X. Harriet Teetzel married James Vernon. (St. Joseph, MI)
Born: Aug. 22, 1795, NJ, presumably Sussex Co.
Died: Jan 17, 1873/79 in Southwold, Ontario
Married Jan. 1, 1817, in Grimsby, Mary Lawrence (Nov. 22, 1797, Grimsby-Aug. 23, 1855, Southwold).
Jonathan's grandson remembers him recounting the story of his
wedding trip to Southwold. "...a sled drawn by a yoke of steers,
taking all of their household effects and possessions with
them....Fingal is about 100 miles west of Grimsby so that the day
after he was married he took that as a wedding trip. He took up 200
acres of land in Col Talbot's settlement and visited it the Fall
before putting in some wheat and building a cabin." This grandson
states that Jonathan was a Methodist, a bee keeper, and fought in
the battle of Lundy's Lane as a militiaman volunteer attached to the
commissariat driving a yoke of steer. The couple's children are
shown as all born in Southwold on an old family record. (Copy of
that record in the author's possession.) In 1814 he located in the
Co. of Middlesex on a farm obtained from Col. Talbot.
1871 census: "TEETZEL","JONATHAN","J"," "," ","75","U
STATES","AD","GERMAN","F","005","C","4 35","13","Southwol"
1. Mary Ann Teetzel (Feb 1, 1818-Mar 22, 1884) married April 1, 1839 to a widower, John Johnson, father of Rev. Dr. Hugh Johnson.
2. John Teetzel (Aug 29, 1819 in Elgin Co-June 13, 1902,
Blenheim) married May 4, 1842 to Eliza King (1823- 1890),
daughter of Hooper King, Sr. In 1847 they relocated to Kent
Co, at Morpeth where he opened an iron foundry. (Confirmed
by 1851 census.) He operated this business for about ten
years, "during which time he suffered considerable loss by
fire." He retired to a farm in Harwich twp, then, "as the
infirmities of age began to creep upon him he gave up active
labor and retired to Blenheim." In politics, he was a
Reformer. In religion, he belonged to the Church of
Disciples of Christ. (Year of birth for his wife taken from
1851 census record for Kent Co., p. 21-22)
a. Rosana Teetzel (1844) married S. T. Martin
b. Maryette Teetzel (1846) who died age 22
c. William Henry Teetzel (1848), resident Chicago, married
Carrie Eggleson.
A. William Teetzel
B. Clayton Teetzel, prof. Michigan State Normal
College at Ypsilanti, MI. Probably in 1900
census: Clayton Teetzel, Feb 1877, MI, living
in Ann Arbor.
d. James D. Teetzel (Aug. 1851, Can) married Alice J.
Waters (June 1857, Can). From places of birth on 1900
and 1910 censuses, it appears they moved to US after
1892, but lived in Detroit by 1900. He is probably the
J. D. Teetzel listed as farmer in Howard Twp, Kent Co.,
Ont in 1884.
A. Ada Teetzel (1878, Can)
B. Percy Teetzel (Mar 1886, Can)
C. Reginal(d) Teetzel (May 1888, Can)
D. Irene Teetzel (May 1891, Can)
E. Hazel Teetzel (1892, Can)
F. Alma Teetzel (April 1895, Can)
f. Elizabeth Teetzel married William Smith of St. Thomas.
A. Minetta Smith
B. Harold Smith
g. Dr. J. K. Teetzel, resident Detroit
John Teetzel's wife, Eliza King Teetzel, died May 25, 1890. In 1891,
he remarried to Elizabeth Cornwall, daughter of Levi Cornwall.
3. Elizabeth "Betty" Teetzel (June 19, 1821-prior to 1916)
married Feb 2, 1842 John King.
a. James Vernal King (died as infant)
4. Susan Teetzel (Mar 29, 1823-June 21, 1886) married
Jan 1, 1844 Gillman Wilson, a Methodist preacher.
5. William Teetzel (April 19, 1825-prior to 1916) married
June 10, 1850.
a. James J. "Jim" Teetzel, who traveled to Germany to
seek out "the family fortune" in 1888. (Copies of his
report are in the files and the author and Leslie R.
6. Margaret/Marguerite Teetzel (Dec 17, 1824-May 1867)
married Sept. 24, 1845 in London Atkinson Conn.(?)
7. James Nelson "Colonel" Teetzel (May 5, 1830-March 23,
1884, St. Thomas) married May 19, 1853, Gosfield(?), to
Elizabeth McQueen (1827-Aug 25, 1884). Her father was Jacob
McQueen. 1871 census "TEETZEL","JAMES","N"," ","
","41","O","WM","GERMAN","F SERVANT","006","A","119",
a. James Vernal Teetzel (Mar 6, 1853, Fingal, Elgin Co.-
Aug. 25, 1929, Barbados) married in 1880 Pricilla Grace
Darling. He is feature on a web page by the Hamilton
Public Library which tells about the Hamilton, Ontario
mayors. He attended Woodstock College, Galt Collegiate
Institute and Osgoode Hall. In 1877, he was called to
the bar and entered partnership with Britton Bath Osler.
He was created Queen's Council in 1890 and on May 16,
1903 was elevated to the bench as Judge of the High
Court, Common Pleas Division. In 1910 he became chairman
of the Ontario Parole Board. Teetzel served as alderman
in 1884, 1885 and 1896 and became mayor in 1899 and was
returned by acclamation in 1900. During his term of
office, the Public Parks Act was put into effect
establishing the Board of Parks Management. He retired
from public life after a stroke in 1912 and travelled
extensively until his death.
To see his picture on a page click here. (Page provided by Hamilton Public Library.)
b. Dorothy Ann Teetzel (1855, Elgin-Oct 1, 1855)
c. Elvia Susan Teetzel (1857) married James Wiseman.
d. Elizabeth Teetzel (July 9, 1859-Oct 17, 1859)
e. Bertha Teetzel (1861) married first John Fishleigh;
married second W. H. Glascow.
f. Jonathan Johnson Teetzel (1863-1947) married first
Daisy Upper, married second Rita Chestnut.
g. Mansion Daniel Teetzel (1865-Sept 8, 1938) married
Ann Mobray (1865).
h. Sarah Louise Teetzel (1865/67, Sparta-1945)
i. Lillian E. Teetzel (1869) married Oct. 25, 1884
James Harvey.
j. Mary Rosabel Teetzel (Dec 15, 1870-Nov 3, 1956)
married first April 19, 1892, at Lakeview, Ernest
Augustus Chute; married second Harry Bate.
k. William McQueen Teetzel (1882-1917) married in
1896 Edna Lititia Fox.
8. Mahlon Teetzel (April 2, 1832-July 5.1872(?))
9. Altham Teetzel (Aug 30, 1835-prior to 1916)
10. Edgar Teetzel (Feb 7, 1838-?, St Louie, or a "Western
State" prior to 1916). From 1851 Census for Kent. Co, he
appears to have been living with or next to his brother John
and working in the iron foundry.
11. Ezra Teetzel (May 15, 1840-Mar 1877, New Orleans)
12. Charles Lorin (?) Teetzel (Nov 2, 1842-only living
child of J. J. in 1916) married Ellen Lawson and had 12
children, lived on the family homestead until sometime after
1916. ? 1871 census "TEETZEL","CHARLES","L"," ","","28","O",
"AD", "GERMAN","F","005","C","4 40","13","Southwold"
to be situated-possibly under James Nelson Teetzel
Ernest W. Teetzel (18??, St. Thomas)
a. Norben Teetzel
b. Leslie R. Teetzel
(1) ? Teetzel
(a) Jonathan Teetzel
Second Jonathan Johnson Teetzel married Mrs. Caughell, a widow with
2 children. They had no children together.
Lounsbury or Lounsberry Family: Picture of Jacob Lounsbury and Sarah Jane McCombs
Turrentine Family: Arrival in America in 1749
Baker Family: Oldest document marriage William Baker and Hannah Edwards in Jefferson Co., TN in 1801.
Keown Family: of Victoria County, Ontario, Canada
Hodges Family: Beginning with 3 children orphaned "enroute" to Arkansas in mid 1830s - Jesse, Emaline and Lafayette
Lounsbury or Lounsberry Family: Picture of Jacob Lounsbury and Sarah Jane McCombs
Short version of primary ancestorial lines: Baker, Turrentine, Hodges, Stanley, and more
Surname List: Surnames, dates and locations for major names working on or cousins trying to contact
or snail mail
Joyce (Moore) Hodges
17952 168th ST South
Bonner Springs, KS 66012