About this Site/Disclaimer
About this Site:
This site is created and maintained Jennifer (Jayanthi) Kumar. It began in 1997 as a college project and has been blossoming since. The site explores my exploration into India, Hinduism and Indian Culture. This site is meant to share infomation with those having similiar interests.

Trasition of Tripod to Alaivani
As of June 2006, my sites at members.tripod.com/~jennifer_polan and members.tripod.com/~jap5 are transitioning to my new site at www.alaivani.com. I believe this transition will take about a year to a year and a half. Both sites are maintained by the same person.

The purpose of this site is to share information. Though the majority of information sharing travels from the webmater to the web browser and through browser submissions. The feedback and submissions are submitted a gratis (free) by the browers.

Original Material:
All material under the directories of https://members.tripod.com/~jap5 and https://members.tripod.com/~jennifer_polan and http://www.alaivani.com are the property of Jennifer Kumar. All photos, backgrounds and text are original material of Jennifer Kumar, unless otherwise stated. If you would like to use any photos or texts or link to your homepage, please Contact me.

Opinions and Perspectives:
I understand in life one cannot please everyone. This is especially true on the NET. I have voiced my opinions and experiences in the most unbaised and impartial ways. I do not mean to offend anyone by expressing my views, though I do not mind discussing with my browsers any changes that I should make to the pages. The last thing I would do on this earth is purposefully hurt or offend someone. Browser feedback is encouraged, but will be screened for profanity and any inappropriate content. Constructive criticism is welcomed, appreciated and posted on the site as long as it is tastefully written. This website is child friendly. If you find anything that is harming to children or innappropriate please bring it to my attention.

Faiths and beliefs:
I have voiced my beliefs in religion and GOD on the pages here in. I have done this because my belief is very strong and I am proud of my beliefs. I have not voiced my beliefs to offend anyone nor to be patronized by persons 'trying to convert me back to Chrisitianity'. I do not mind discussing with anyone beliefs as long as there is no ulterior motives.

I hope you all enjoy my homepage. Thank you and may GOD bless you in all your endeavors in LIFE.
Recent Update June 2007.
This page has been visited times since (current update) Febraury 2003.