Artwork Featured on "My Favorite Martian"
A few of the paintings that decorated the walls of Tim O’Hara’s apartment can be identified.
Here are some examples:
"Picture Album" by Paul Klee, approx. 26 ½" x 24" (1937)
……………………………………………………..Martian Report #1……….……… ……….Who’s Got the Power?
Paul Klee: Swiss-born artist, (1879) whose style of artwork favored expressionism and was influenced by primitive art and surrealism. Although termed a Surrealist, his art is mainly abstract, expressing the crafty wit of a free-form virtuoso in delicate earth tones.
"Comets" by Wassily Kandinsky (1938)
……………………………………………..No Cure for the Common Martian ………………….Rx For a Martian
Wassily (also Vasily) Kandinsky: A Russian painter born in 1866, Kandisky is credited with being the originator of the abstract art movement (1910), which evolved out of expressionism. He was a co-founder of the Blaue Reiter (Blue Rider) Group in Munich in 1911 and taught at the Bauhaus University in Germany with Paul Klee during the 1920s. Kandisnky’s later works were influenced by Miró. While in France during the 1930s, Kadinsky drew inspiration for his abstract work from creatures seen under a microscope (i.e.amebas) as well as other types of scientific images.
"Eagle" by Sawa Sekkyo, woodblock print, 22" x 28" (circa 1790-1800)
……………………………………A Loaf of Bread, a Jug of Wine..and Peaches……
"Bull" by Sawa Sekkyo woodblock print 28.5" x 22.5" (1801)
……. …….…
……………………………………………………….Gone but Not Forgotten ………….The Electric Bed…
Sawa Sekkyo was a late 18th century Japanese artist whose work focused on landscapes as well as birds and animals using a woodblock print technique. Examples of his work are considered rare.
Some episodes featured a theme of paintings and artwork:
"My Nephew the Artist"
Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries by Vincent Van Gogh (1888) 25 ½ " x 32"
Vincent Van Gogh: Born in the Netherlands in 1853, he later lived in Paris. Van Gogh, whose most famous works include The Starry Night and Sunflowers, is considered the master of the Post-Impressionist era, using bold brush strokes and color to convey emotions.
"Dial M For Martian"
Lyric (Man on a Horse) by Wassily Kandinsky (1911)
……………………………………………………….Dial M for Martian
My sincerest thanks and deepest appreciation to Lenore for her expertise in researching material for this page as well as for her contribution of images and text.
JH Harison
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