i REALLY want...
looking for: videos of brand new, bitchin', against me!, leatherface, no knife.
bands in bold mean i trade heaps for.
i (almost) always want tapes by the following...
sorry, i'm not doing any 2:1's (b+p) at all right now.if you don't have anything i want to trade, or are a new bootleg collector, i will do my best to help. i usually (NOT ALL THE TIME IT DEPENDS ON WHAT YOU WANT AND IF I HAVE TIME TO DO IT) do a 2 for 1 as long as you pay postage (or B+P = blanks and postage). that does NOT mean just sending me an envelope preaddressed back to you. if you send an envelope with the postage paid, THAT is fine. not trying to be picky, but that's just really not cool to expect ME to pay for something YOU want, dig. i will more readily do a 2:1 on audios but some videos are okay. just ask. thanks.
email me: