Pen&Ink   Blocks,   how   we   started.

In 1990 my baby brother(can't call him little as he's 6'4") decided to marry. We all met at Tillimook State Park on the coast of Oregon. As I often did, I took along a sketch book and some pencils. I was drawing some of the wonderful flowers which bloom late spring on the coast and saw my sister-in-law watching me. She brought my older brother over to watch and then asked him "Why don't we let Marie try the drawing for us?". And that was the beginning of a wonderful experience for me as an artist and quilter.

My first series (quilt top right) was to draw 12 of the more popular covered bridges still standing here in Oregon (we have 53). It took 2 years and lots of redraws to get them just right and in 1992 Theresia Hewitt, The Oregon Peddler, printed and sold the first set of the Oregon Covered Bridge quilt blocks. They are my pen & ink drawings, silkscreened onto 100% cotton muslin blocks by Mike & Theresia. It was one of the most incredible feelings I've ever known.

Two years later we put together the American Lights Series(center right). Please visit Mike and Theresia at the Siskiyou Coast Escapes: .

The bottom right picture is a partial of an outdoor show/sale, it's purpose is only to show a clear view of one of the light house quilts.

Some dreams do come true, so please keep dreaming yours. jmarie


more of me 2

Siskiyou Coast Escapes
jmarie home page
Me & my quilts
more of me
Painting roses