Jokerr's Sports Cards
Sports Cards Collector's Ring Info
If you want to join the ring, just follow the steps below.
First, go to Webring addform and fill out the information
requested. They will notify me when this is complete. Next, copy &
paste the html code below onto your page. There are seven places you
need to make changes (all are in pink). There is one place to put
your email address and page name and there are five places to put your Site
Id. When you have it working, email me. I will go to your site and if
I see that it is working properly, I will add you to the ring.
If for some reason the code below doesn't work, just let
me know and I will help you figure out what the problem is.
Thanks for your interest in the ring and I hope to have you as a
member soon!
<!-- Begin Sportcard Ring --> <center><table border=7 cellspacing=7><tr><td align=center><img src="" alt="Tony Gonzalez" border=0 height=120 width=120 align=left></a></td><td align=center><center><p><br></p></center><h5 align=center>This <a href="">Sports Cards Collector's Ring</a> site<br> is owned by <a href="mailto:YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HERE">YOUR PAGE NAME HERE</a>.<br><br> (<a href=" SITE ID HERE&prev" target="_top">Prev</a>I<a href=" SITE ID HERE&skip" target="_top">Skip</a>I<a href=" SITE ID HERE&next5" target="_top">Next 5</a>I<a href=" SITE ID HERE&random" target="_top">Random</a>I<a href=" SITE ID HERE&next" target="_top">Next</a>)<br><br>Want to join the ring? Click<a href=""> here</a>.<br><br></h5></td><td align=center><a href="" target="_top"><img src="" alt="Jokerr's Sportscards" border=0 height=120 width=120 align=right></a></td></tr></table></center><br><!-- End Sportcard Ring -->
Football Autographs
Nascar Autographs
Chiefs Autographed Cards
last updated 4-4-99